Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №12 →  Назад

Название Lab-scale reactor for ultrasonic treatment of cobalt–copper–nickel ore pulp
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.13
Автор Iodis V. A.
Информация об авторе

Scientific and Geotechnical Center, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia

V. A. Iodis, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, iodisva@mail.ru


It is possible to use ultrasonic exposure to remove the oxide films from the surfaces of pulp sulfide mineral particles. To remove the films, it is possible to use ultrasonic treatment. To study the process of ultrasonic action on the ore pulp, a laboratory reactor was designed, manufactured and installed. The pulp is a mixture of distilled water and cobalt–copper–nickel ore from the Shanuch deposit (Kamchatka) at a ratio of 5:1. During the work, the estimated calculation of the temperature change in the ore pulp and cooling water was made. The calculation demonstrated the necessity for cooling the ultrasonic treatment chamber. During the process, the temperature of the pulp will increase by 15.44°C and will become 37.44°C. It will reduce the intensity of the ultrasonic cavitation process. The design of two axisymmetrically located cylindrical chambers of ultrasonic treatment and cooling was carried out. The laboratory reactor was designed as a set of units, namely, Pulp Supply and Discharge, Cooling and Process Temperature Control. The source of ultrasonic vibrations was ultrasonic apparatus Volna model UZTA-0.4 / 22-OM (version No. 2), manufactured by Center for Ultrasonic Technologies of AltSTU LLC. The temperature meter-regulator IRT- 4/16 with the indication resolution of 0.1°C with five TMK thermocouples of a reduced measurement error of ±0.25% was used to control the temperatures of the pulp and cooling water. According to the preliminary experimental studies of ultrasonic action on the laboratory reactor and the microscopic studies using ore polarizing microscope POLAM R-312, most of the oxide films are removed at a radiation intensity of 17.5 to 21 W/cm2 for 900 s. The calculation of specific energy consumption for the process of removing oxide films was carried out. The calculation demonstrates high energy consumption values of 83.3 kW per 1 m3 of pulp; however, according to the review of the implemented research, less energy-intensive traditional methods for cleaning mineral surface from oxide films fail to provide the required degree of purification.

Ключевые слова Laboratory reactor, ore pulp, ultrasonic treatment, oxide films, calculation, design, installation
Библиографический список

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