Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №5 →  Назад

Название Ways to compensate for unloading of locomotive traction wheels during movement along inclined sections of railway tracks
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.05.07
Автор Keropyan A. M., Kalakutskiy A. V.
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Moscow Research and Design Institute of Technologies and Innovations, Moscow, Russia

A. M. Keropyan, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, am_kerop@mail.ru
A. V. Kalakutskiy, CEO, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The article considers engineering solutions on elimination of unloading in the pair of front traction wheels of locomotives in track haulage. The analysis shows that the traction wheel unloading takes place owing to the nonuniform distribution of adhesive weight of the locomotive. In view of the process-dependent parameters of industrial rail vehicles, unloading compensation of traction wheels is obligatory for locomotives and tractive vehicles in operation at open pit mines. The research reveals that the traction wheel unloading leads to the center-of-gravity shift of a locomotive. The shift is governed by the center-of-gravity height, by the height of the coupling hook above the rail top, and by the gradient of the rail track. For this reason, toward the enhanced utilization factor of the adhesive weight and for the improved operating stability, it should be provided that the centroid position of locomotives is adjustable with regard to specific operating conditions of the rail transport. The method of unloading compensation for traction wheels of locomotives was patented by the authors and recommended for all types of rail traction vehicles (irrespective of types of the drives). The calculation data analysis implies that the adjustable shift of the locomotive centroid should be up to 0.5 m. The implementation of this patented engineering solution can enable unloading compensation for the front wheelset of a locomotive toward a considerable increase in the utilization factor of the adhesive weight.

Ключевые слова Open pit mine locomotive, unloading compensation, wheelset, slipping, unloading of traction wheel axles, coupling, center of gravity, adhesive weight utilization factor, centroid repositioning
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