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ArticleName Study of the microimpurity elements behavior in blast furnace smelting
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.07.07
ArticleAuthor P. I. Chernousov, O. V. Golubev, L. I. Lopachevskaya, M. V. Slonov

National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
P. I. Chernousov, Cand. Eng., Aassociate Prof., Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:
O. V. Golubev, Cand. Eng., Aassociate Prof., Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:
L. I. Lopachevskaya, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:
M. V. Slonov, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:


Blast furnace smelting at the modern level is impossible without considering the behavior of trace elements that have a significant impact on resource conservation, product quality and the environment. A brief history of studying the behavior of micro-impurity elements in blast furnace smelting and the participation of scientists of the Department of Ore Smelting Processes of MISIS in this process is presented. A methodology for analyzing and predicting the behavior of trace elements in blast furnace smelting has been developed, considering the features of the process, the form of the presence of trace elements in metallurgical materials and the method of their introduction into the blast furnace. It has been established that the increase in the content of trace elements in blast furnace sludge observed in recent years is mainly associated with the peculiarities of the behavior of the proportion of these trace elements that are part of the organic part of coke and pulverized coal fuel. The results of the studies carried out to date allow us to identify four main groups of trace elements, the behavior of which in blast furnace smelting has characteristic features. Considering these features make it possible to predict the quality of smelted iron, assess the accumulation of impurities in the cycle “blast furnace → sludge → sinter → blast furnace” and the impact of harmful trace elements (primarily heavy metals) on the environment. Despite the relevance of the study of the behavior of heavy metals in blast furnace smelting, a general methodology for studying this issue has not yet been developed. Known studies are rare and are carried out according to the original author’s methods. The analyzed sources contain information on the fluxes of heavy metal elements, limited by different initial parameters and ranges of their change, which does not allow compiling the results of studies to form a general average scheme. The development of a methodology for analyzing the behavior of trace impurities in the blast furnace process is one of the most urgent and science-intensive problems of modern ferrous metallurgy.

keywords Blast furnace process, trace elements, microimpurities, element flow, heavy metals, sludge

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