Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2024 →  №7 →  Назад

Metal science and Heat treatment
Название Structure and properties of 08KhMFA and 30KhGSA steels obtained by electric arc welding
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.07.10
Автор M. S. Anosov, M. A. Chernigin, Yu. S. Mordovina, E. S. Anosova
Информация об авторе

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R. E. Alekseev (NNSTU), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

M. S. Anosov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Technology and Equipment of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: anosov.ms@nntu.ru
M. A. Chernigin, Engineer, Dept. of Technology and Equipment of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: honeybadger52@yandex.ru
Yu. S. Mordovina, Educational Process Engineer at the Institute of Professional Retraining, e-mail: ips4@nntu.ru
E. S. Anosova, Assistant, Dept. of Machine Automation, e-mail: katena.zav@mail.ru


Currently, 3D metal printing technologies are actively developing, among which the main ones are: layer-by-layer powder fusion (SLM), laser powder surfacing (LENS/DMD) and electric arc surfacing (WAAM). One of the promising methods of additive growing of products is the method of electric arc welding with wire (WAAM). However, as a result of the layered deposition of metal and its crystallization under nonequilibrium conditions, as well as multiple cycles of heating the metal above critical temperatures, the microstructure of the material obtained using additive technologies differs significantly from the structure of the material obtained by traditional methods. The purpose of this work was to study the structure and properties of 30KhGSA and 08KhMFA steels obtained by the WAAM method. Optical emission analysis of the deposited material showed the presence of carbon monoxide of alloying elements not exceeding the maximum grade deviations according to GOST for the studied steels. As a result of acoustic diagnostics, the dependence of the acoustic anisotropy parameter and strength properties on the direction of surfacing was established. Anisotropy is characteristic of both steels, which is confirmed by the results of tensile tests. The values of the strength properties of samples cut across the deposited layers are on average 20 % lower than the values for samples cut along the direction of surfacing. The use of vibration treatment in the surfacing process leads to a slight decrease in grain in the metal under study, while the strength properties of 30KhGSA and 08KhMFA steels practically do not change. Vibration treatment during metal surfacing has a significant effect on plastic properties: the elongation at tension – δ – increases by 6% relative to the initial one in all directions for 30KhGSA steel and by 11 and 27 % for 08KhMFA steel, depending on the direction of sample cutting. Quenching with high tempering leads to an increase in the strength properties of both steels; the strength properties of samples cut longitudinally from 30KhGSA steel practically reach the values specified in GOST 4543, i.e. the properties of hot-rolled material are achieved.
The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-79-00095 “Development of scientific and technological foundations for the structure formation of structural materials obtained by additive electric arc manufacturing for the formation of mechanical properties during fatigue using artificial intelligence approaches”.

Ключевые слова WAAM, additive cultivation, metal structure, heat treatment, strength properties, anisotropy of properties
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