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ArticleName Mechanisms to preserve silumins structural information in the “solid – liquid” system
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2024.11.09
ArticleAuthor Marukovich E. I., Nikitin K. V., Stetsenko V. Yu., Stetsenko A. V.

Association of foundrymen and Metallurgists of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

E. I. Marukovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, e-mail:

V. Yu. Stetsenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail:


Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
K. V. Nikitin, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Transport, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail:


Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
A. V. Stetsenko, Master of Science, e-mail:


The effect of structural heredity during the melting of silumin can be explained from the perspective of nanostructural crystallization of casting alloys. According to the nanostructural theory of metal melts, liquid silumins are nanostructural systems consisting mainly of elementary nanocrystals of aluminum, silicon and their free atoms. The main crystallizing phases of silumins are primary and eutectic microcrystals of alpha-phases and silicon, the crystallization of which is a nanostructural process. At first, structure-forming nanocrystals are formed from elementary nanocrystals and free atoms, and then crystallization centers are formed from them. Primary and eutectic microcrystals of alpha-phases and silicon are formed from crystallization centers, structure-forming nanocrystals and free atoms. Based on the nanostructural crystallization of silumins, mechanisms for preserving structural information during their melting have been developed. These mechanisms are determined by the stability of the crystallization centers of primary and eutectic microcrystals of alpha-phases and silicon at temperatures above the liquidus temperature. Based on nanostructural reactions, it is shown that this stability depends on the concentration of adsorbed hydrogen atoms at the crystallization centers of primary and eutectic alpha-phase microcrystals and the concentration of adsorbed oxygen atoms at the crystallization centers of primary and eutectic silicon microcrystals. The higher these concentrations, the less stable the crystallization centers of primary and eutectic microcrystals of alpha-phases and silicon in silumin melts. With an increase in overheating and (or) the holding time of silumin melts, the concentration of adsorbed hydrogen and oxygen atoms in them increases. This leads to the decay of the crystallization centers of primary and eutectic microcrystals of aplha-phases and silicon according to the Rehbinder effect and a decrease in the stability of structural heredity during the melting of silumins.

keywords Structural heredity, silumins, melting, nanocrystals, adsorption, melt, oxygen, hydrogen

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