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Название Trends in test filtration responding decrease of sample size of iron concentrates
Автор J. Palmer, D. Safonov, A. Häkkinen, B. Ekberg, A. Kraslawski
Информация об авторе

J. Palmer, B. Ekberg, Larox Corporation, D. Safonov, Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute, A. Häkkinen, A. Kraslawski, Lappeenranta University of Technology; Jason.Palmer@larox.com; safonov.dmitry@mail.ru; Antti.Hakkinen@lut.fi


The results of this study and those of previous studies demonstrate the limitations of small scale equipment in predicting full scale filter performance, however if these limitations are well understood very small scale equipment can be used to predict filtration performance with significantly better accuracy than a purely theoretical approach. As with any experimental campaign a systematic approach to planning the campaign will improve the reliability of the data and reduce the time and cost of conducting that experiment.

Библиографический список

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Полный текст статьи Trends in test filtration responding decrease of sample size of iron concentrates