Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2011 →  №5 →  Назад

Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries
Название Cored electrodes of electric arc furnaces
Автор B. E. Paton, V. I. Lakomsky, V. I. Galinich, D. D. Mishchenko.
Информация об авторе Dr. Eng. B. E. Paton, Director; D.Sc. V. I. Lakomsky, Chief Research Scientist; Ph.D. V. I. Galinich, Head of Department; Ph.D. D. D. Mishchenko, Higher Research Scientist, The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Ac. of Sc. of Ukraine; mischenko@zeos.net
The paper observes steel production in electric arc furnaces. Prospectivity of steel making in DC furnaces is shown. Proposed graphite electrodes contain solid core including additives with low electrone working output; it allows to improve VA-parameters of arc and to increase electrode resistance.
Ключевые слова Electric arc furnace, graphitized electrode, direct current, core, cathode.
Библиографический список
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