Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2011 →  №8-9 →  Назад

Название Phase equilibrium in FeO—Fe2O3—CaO—SiO2 slag system
Автор Nicolic S., Henao H., Zhao B., Hayes P. C., Jak E.
Информация об авторе

Pyrometallurgical Research Center, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Queensland University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

S. Nicolic, Officer;
H. Henao, Officer
B. Zhao, Officer
P. C. Hayes, Officer
E. Jak, Professor, e-mail: e.jak@uq.edu.au


This paper has been presented at the TMS Conference in Seattle (USA) in February, 2010. Slags of ferrous calcium silicate have been determined with FeO–Fe2O3–CaO—SiO2 system. They are the base of almost all slags, which are free of iron and using in primary and secondary metallurgical processes. Despite industrial and scientific importance of this system, phase equilibrium isn't investigated in full diapason of processing conditions, which has been occurred in industrial practice. Determination of parameters of presented slag system is necessary for existent metallurgical processes optimization and for the new technologies development. For researching phase equilibrium of this slag, new technique of experiment realization has been developed. The technique includes samples equilibration with fixed partial pressure of oxygen, rapid cooling and analysis of solid and liquid phases content, using electron microprobe analysis with transducers of dispersion analysis with waves length. Using this technique, it is possible to obtain data of liquidus and solidus for all primary phase fields in this system. Experimental data, available on this day, educe interesting directions and give some unexpected results, which has been contradicted to some traditional views on chemical content of slag in this system.

Ключевые слова Phase equilibrium, liquidus, slags, metals losses, metals extraction, liquidus, test sample.
Библиографический список

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