Журналы →  Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki →  2011 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Influence of the form of crucible bottom on conjugate convective heat exchange in bridgman method
Автор P. V. Antonov, V. S. Berdnikov
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Institute of Thermal Physics SB RAS

P. V. Antonov and V. S. Berdnikov


The melt hydrodynamics and the conjugate heat transfer was studied numerically at multisilicon ingot production by Bridgman−Stockbarger method in crucibles with various configuration of the bottom part. The non−stationary equations of convective heat transfer in area occupied by silicon melt and heat−conductivity equation for the solid silicon body and walls of the graphite crucible of regular cylindrical shape with flat or conical bottom were solved, considering the heat of phase transition. Processes of crystallization in modes of non−stationary heat conductivity and thermal gravitational convection were compared.

Ключевые слова Silicon, crystal growth from the melt, the method of Bridgman−Stockbarger, conjugate convective heat exchange, the account of heat of phase transition, numerical simulation, finite element method
Библиографический список

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