Obogashchenie Rud

The issue begins with the section “Raw material base”. The article presented in this section is dedicated to the Olenegorsky Mining Complex mineral and raw material base. Under the conditions of decreasing demand for iron ore products and their price reduction, the authors (S.V. Petrov, et al.) consider it expedient to draw small deposits, formerly not utilized in economic operations, into commercial open-cast mining. The Svintsovye Tundry ore occurrence ferruginous quartzite mineral and chemical composition studies showed their conformity with ores from other deposits of the Olenegorsky ore district, and the ores in question dressability processing studies permitted to draw the conclusion that the ores from this occurrence may be processed at the Olenegorskaya Concentrator without any changes in the existing flow sheet.
In the section “Beneficiation processes”, the article by V.I. Ryaboy, et al., describes that BTF-series reagents-collectors were synthesized and tested, and that effects of their surface-active properties and hydrophobization ability upon flotation activity were studied. This study permitted to expand the product range and application of BTF- series reagents, presently brought into commercial practice at 11 ore-dressing facilities of Russia and Kazakhstan.
The section “All-round utilization of raw materials” presents the Yakovlevskoye high-grade iron ore deposit integrated utilization technology, developed by V.L.Trushko, et al. The technology permits to produce a high-grade competitive raw material for metallurgical industry and a competitive red iron oxide pigment, utilized in paint-and-varnish industry, as well as in other sectors.
The environmental subject is represented by the article by V. А. Chanturiya, et al. It is known, that rocks of diamond pipes of the deposit named after M.V. Lomonosov are almost completely substituted by saponite. In water medium this mineral forms fine-dispersed jelly-like suspension, that practically may not be settled even by means of various coagulating reagents and flocculants. An electrochemical separator was developed and tested by the authors under full-scale conditions with a view to effectively de-slime saponite-containing watersat OAO “Severalmaz” facilities, its principle of operation consisting in application of electrophoretic effect of negatively charged finely-dispersed saponite particles attachment to anode, with electroosmosis and clarified water obtained on cathode.
The section “Processing Technology” presents the article by V.V. Zuev that proposes an energy rationale for the hypothesis of theEarth’s inner core three-phase composition from Fe-Co-Ni elements in hypervalent states. This study is not only of a theoretical, but also of a practical importance, as it opens new avenues to production of new materials with unique strength characteristics.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | The Svintsovye Tundry deposit iron ores material composition and dressability |
Авторы | Petrov S. V., Kazanov O. V., Antonov А. А., Borozdin А. P. |
Информация об авторах | St. Petersburg State University (Russia); Petrov S. V., Head of Chair, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, petrov64@gmail.com Antonov А. А., Head of Chair, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy Borozdin А. P., Senior Lecturer
JSC «Central Kola Expedition» (Russia): Kazanov O. V., Chief Geologist |
Название | Control algorithms for potash ore blending at ore stockpile |
Авторы | Varlamova S. A., Zatonskiy А. V. |
Информация об авторах | Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Berezniki Branch (Russia): Varlamova S. A., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, varlamovasa@mail.ru Zatonskiy А. V., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, zxenon2000@yandex.ru |
Название | Ore ore-concentration radiometric methods application range |
Автор | Krapivsky Ye. I. |
Информация об авторе | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Krapivsky Ye. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, rom-ska@yandex.ru |
Название | Methods of Сa2+ and Mg2+ ions separation from recycled liquor of halurgy plants and ways of forming sludge utilization |
Авторы | Stromskiy А. S., Turko М. R., Shemyakina М. G., Molokovich S. О., Shablovskiy V. О. |
Информация об авторах | Belgorkhimprom, JSC (Republic of Belarus): Stromskiy А. S., Нead of Department, nito1@mail.ru Turko М. R., Нead of Laboratory, tela7@bk.ru Shemyakina М. G., Нead of Laboratory, gran10@tut.by Molokovich S. О., Senior Reseacher, gran10@tut.by
Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University (Republic of Belarus): |
Название | Studies of cryptocrystalline minerals intergrowth character variations in zeolitic rocks and their dressability with mechanical activation |
Авторы | Yusupov Т. S., Kazantseva L. K., Shumskaya L. G., Lygina T. Z., Tsyplakov D. S. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch, RAS (Russia): Yusupov Т. S., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, yusupov@igm.nsc.ru Kazantseva L. K., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering, kazantseva@igm.nsc.ru Shumskaya L. G., Leading Engineer, shum@igm.nsc.ru
The Central Research Institute of Geology of Industrial Minerals (Russia): Lygina T. Z., Deputy Director, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, lygina@geolnerud.net |
Название | New dialkyldithiophosphates for copper, gold and silver-bearing ores flotation |
Авторы | Ryaboy V. I., Shepeta Ye. D., Kretov V. P., Golikov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | Mekhanobr-Orgsintez-Reagent CJSC (Russia): Ryaboy V. I., General Director, Doctor of Engineering Siciences, frim@isc1.nw.ru
Mining Institute of the Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): Shepeta Ye. D., Senior Researcher, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences,
«Kvadrat-plyus» CJSC (Russia): Kretov V. P., General Director
JSC Polymetal Engineering (Russia): Golikov V. V., Head of Department, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences |
Название | Provision of an energy rationale for the hypothesis of the Earth's inner core three-phase composition from Fe-Co-Ni elements in hypervalent states |
Автор | Zuev V. V. |
Информация об авторе | Mekhanobr Engineering JSC (Russia): Zuev V. V., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, office@mekhanobr.spb.ru |
Название | Integrated processing of high-grade iron ores |
Авторы | Trushko V. L., Kuskov V. B., Kuskova Ya. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Trushko V. L., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, trushko@spmi.ru Kuskov V. B., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, opikvb@mail.ru Kuskova Ya. V., Assistent, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, yana.kuskova@gmail.com |
Название | Red mud dewatering and basic trends in its recycling |
Авторы | Brichkin V. N., Dubovikov О. А., Nikolayeva N. V., Besedin А. А. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Brichkin V. N., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, kafmetall@mail.ru Dubovikov О. А., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences Nikolayeva N. V., Lecturer, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, opiopi@bk.ru Besedin А. А., Postgraduate, kafmetall@mail.ru |
Название | Electrochemical separation of OAO «Severalmaz» facilities saponite-containing tailings pulp |
Авторы | Chanturiya V. А., Minenko V. G., Samusev А. L., Timofeev А. S., Ostrovskaya G. Kh. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources (Russia): Chanturiya V. А., Chief Researcher, member of the RAS, vchan@mail.ru Minenko V. G., Leading Researcher, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Vladi200@mail.ru Samusev А. L., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Andrey63vzm@mail.ru Timofeev А. S., Junior Researcher, timofeev_ac@mail.ru
Yakutniproalmaz Research and Design Institute (Russia): Ostrovskaya G. Kh., Head of Laboratory, OstrovskayaGKh@alrosa.ru |
Название | 70th birthday of A. I. Nikolayev |