Obogashchenie Rud

Two papers of this issue deserve special attention. Both are placed outside of our traditional sections.
The first paper in this issue (V.А. Chanturiya, et al.) presents a science and technology forecasting for the Russianore mining and dressing industry, covering many sections of our journal. The paper describes the promising trends in development of research studies aimed at all-round utilization andadvanced high-level processing of natural and man-induced mineral raw materials in theRussian Federation. The advisability of improvement of all levels of studies, from development of efficient methods for oresprocessing characteristicsmineralogical-technological assessment based on equipment and instrument implementation, through todevelopment of high-performance and energy-efficient technologies for ore-preparation and disintegration processes, as well as combination and dry benefication technologies for finely disseminated ores, is substantiated.
The last paper in the issue (Ye.V. Ilyina), dedicated to the artistic quest of the remarkable painter P.K. Golubyatnikov, on the contrary, is not related to any of the existing sections – arguments are presented in favor of having a special section devoted to papers of this kind. The reasons for publishing this paper are well explained by D.V. Shekhirev, Deputy Chairman of the editorial team. It may be added to his interesting reasoning, that the Publishing house “Ore & Metals” has been putting out a series of art journals for 10 years already, so, appearance of this paper should not be very surprising for the regular authors and readers.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Promising trends in investigations aimed at all-round utilization of mineral raw materials |
Авторы | Chanturiya V. А., Vaisberg L. A., Kozlov А. P. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, RAS (Russia): Chanturiya V. А., Chief Researcher, Member of RAS, Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, RAS (Russia) Kozlov А. P., Deputy Director on Scientific Work, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, kozap@mail.ru
REC «Mekhanobr-tekhnika» (Russia): |
Название | The results of pilot-scale testing of the Konevinskoye deposit gold-bearing ore preliminary beneficiation by photometric sorting |
Авторы | Kobzev A. S., Alushkin I. V., Olkhovskiy А. М., Tolmachev G. F., Shilkin А. М. |
Информация об авторах | Scientific-Production Enterprise «GeoTestServis» (Russia) (Positions and places of work are as of 2012): Kobzev A. S., Head of Department, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, a.s.kobzev@gmail.com
Urantzvetmet (Russia):
Metso Minerals CIS (Russia): |
Название | Upon pressure hydrocyclones volumetric output by sands product |
Автор | Golubtsov V. М. |
Информация об авторе | Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy (Ukraine): Golubtsov V. М., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, golubtsovvm@rambler.ru |
Название | Effect of biotreatment upon physico-mechanical properties of copper-molybdenum sulfide ore |
Авторы | Purevdash M., Dolivo-Dobrovolskaya G. I., Saltykova S. N., Georgiyeva E. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Purevdash M., Researcher, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, moogi@mail.ru |
Название | FrothMaster video system introduction experience practice at the «Green Mountain–2» Plant |
Авторы | Romanenko S. A., Olennikov A. S. |
Информация об авторах | Outotec St. Petersburg (Russia): Romanenko S. A., Leading Process Engineer, sergey.romanenko@outotec.com |
Название | Red mud sintering |
Авторы | Besedin А. А., Utkov V. А., Brichkin V. N., Sizyakov V. М. |
Информация об авторах | National mineral resources university (Russia): Besedin А. А., Postgraduate Utkov V. А., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences E-mail (coomon): kafmetall@mail.ru |
Название | Product recovery and product balance correction |
Автор | Kozin V. Z. |
Информация об авторе | Ural State Mining University (Russia): Kozin V. Z., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, gmf.dek@ursmu.ru |
Название | Mineralogical-technological specialties of Karelian quartz conglomerates as a nonconventional source of quartz material |
Авторы | Skamnitskaya L. S., Svetova Ye. N., Svetov S. А. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia): Skamnitskaya L. S., Senior Researcher, skamnits@krc.karelia.ru |
Название | Innovation technologies and machinery for separation of feebly magnetic ores |
Авторы | Mulyavko V. I., Oleynik Т. А., Lyashenko V. I., Oleynik М. О., Mikhno S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Krivoy Rog National University (Ukraine): Mulyavko V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, muwali2012@yandex.ru Ukrainian Scientific R&D Institute for Industrial Technology (Ukraine): Lyashenko V. I., Head of Department, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher, vi_yashenko@mail.ru |
Название | Sphene concentrate cleaning from radioactive nuclides in beneficiation stage |
Авторы | Nikolayev А. I., Melnik N. А., Chekanova Yu. V., Petrov V. B., Dmitriyev S. V. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials, Kola Science Center of RAS (Russia): Nikolayev А. I., Deputy Director on Scientific Work, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor, nikol_ai@chemy.kolasc.net.ru
REC «Mekhanobr-Tekhnika» (Russia): |
Jubilees | |
Название | 75th birthday of A. V. Bogdanovich |
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Название | Advertisments |
Название | Rules of submission of articles for publication in the «Obogashchenie Rud» journal |
Название | History of one unimplemented idea |
Авторы | Ilina Ye. V., Smirnnykh L. L. |