Obogashchenie Rud

This issue presents a versatile variety of publications in the sections “Processing Technology” and “Technological Mineralogy”.
The first includes the papers describing the testing results of a promising autoclave-hydrometallurgical low-grade concentrates conditioning technology, applied to pyrite copper-zinc ores (the paper by B. S. Ivanov et al.); practicability of joint processing of the Nurkazgan deposit Western and Northern areas ores is validated (the paper by I. I. Maksimov et al.); new developments of Outotec in the field of base metals ores flotation technologies with application of the latest automation means and process control computer programs are considered.
Two papers in the section “Technological Mineralogy” are dedicated to the ores of the Kola Peninsula.By the example of the Oleniy Ruchey deposit apatite-nepheline ores with low apatite content, effect of calcium ions upon flotation results is demonstrated, and the recommendations with regard to reagents regime correction and return water conditioning are presented (the paper byА. Sh. Gershenkopet al.). The study of forsterite varieties composition and surface morphology, selected from the Kovdor deposit natural ore types, applying the methods of X-ray micro-CT and SEM, permitted to ascertain the factors that lower floatability of the mineral in question (the paper by Ye. Ye. Kameneva et al.).
As ever, the papers dedicated to the issues of man-induced materials reclamation are of current interest. The Sorsky Mining Complex overburden rocks and sulfide molybdenum ores flotation tailings chemical, mineral and particle-size distribution analyses, conducted by the scientists of the Siberian Federal University (R. G. Yeromasov et al.), showed, that utilizing ore processing tailings as components in stoneware mix is most promising.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Bauxites rod mill grinding process intensification |
Авторы | Alekseeva Ye. А., Andreev Ye. Ye., Brichkin V. N., Nikolaeva N. V., Tikhonov N. O. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Alekseeva Ye. А., Postgraduate Brichkin V. N., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor E-mail (common): kafmetall@mail.ru
Andreev Ye. Ye., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences Nikolaeva N. V., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences Tikhonov N. O., Postgraduate E-mail (common): opiopi@bk.ru |
Название | Russian pyrite copper-zinc ores: processing problems and technological prospects |
Авторы | Ivanov B. S., Boduen А. Ya., Petrov G. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Ivanov B. S., Postgraduate, ivanov.bair@gmail.com Boduen А. Ya., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, bodyen-anna@mail.ru Petrov G. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, petroffg@yandex.ru |
Название | The dressability study of the Nurkazgan deposit Western and Northern areas ores with varying copper grade |
Авторы | Maksimov I. I., Otrozhdennova L. A., Tasina Т. I., Zavarina R. I., Yegorova V. G. |
Информация об авторах | Mekhanobr Engineering CJSC (Russia): Maksimov I. I., Deputy General Director on Scientific Work, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Otrozhdennova L. A., Leading Researcher, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences Tasina Т. I., Senior Researcher Zavarina R. I., Researcher E-mail (common): office@mekhanobr.spb.ru |
Название | Outotec experience in development of base metals ores flotation technologies |
Авторы | Mashevskiy G. N., Romanenko S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Outotec (St. Petersburg): Mashevskiy G. N., Chief Process Adviser, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, gennady.mashevsky@outotec.com Romanenko S. A., Leading Process Engineer, Sergey.Romanenko@outotec.com |
Название | A combination sampling method for processing products and equipment for its implementation |
Авторы | Kozin V. Z., Komlev A. S. |
Информация об авторах | Ural State Mining University (Russia): Kozin V. Z., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, gmf.dek@ursmu.ru Komlev A. S., Engineer, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, tails2002@inbox.ru |
Название | The special features of the Oleniy Ruchey deposit apatite-nepheline ores mineral composition and their effect upon metallurgical results |
Авторы | Gershenkop А. Sh., Mukhina Т. N., Artemyev А. V. |
Информация об авторах | Mining Institute of the Kola Science Centre of RAS (Russia): Gershenkop А. Sh., Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, alex@goi.kolasc.net.ru Mukhina Т. N., Head of Sector, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, muhina@goi.kolasc.net.ru Artemyev А. V., Junior Researcher |
Название | The Earth’s structure model according to the results of the geospheres’ matter energy parameters estimation |
Автор | Zuev V. V. |
Информация об авторе | Mekhanobr Engineering CJSC (Russia): Zuev V. V., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, office@mekhanobr.spb.ru |
Название | Special features of the Kovdor deposit forsterite composition and floatability |
Авторы | Kameneva Ye. Ye., Rukhlenko Ye. D., Andronov G. P. |
Информация об авторах | Petrozavodsk State University (Russia): Kameneva Ye. Ye., Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, elena.kameneva@mail.ru
Mining Institute of the Kola Science Centre of RAS (Russia): Rukhlenko Ye. D., Leading Technologist Andronov G. P., Researcher |
Название | The Sorsky Mining Complex sulfide molybdenum ores flotation tailings utilization in building ceramics production technology |
Авторы | Yeromasov R. G., Nikiforova E. M., Vlasov О. А., Simonova N. S., Vasilyeva М. N. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University (Russia): Yeromasov R. G., Senior Lecturer, kmp198@inbox.ru Nikiforova E. M., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, nem1950@inbox.ru Vlasov О. А., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, vlasov-oa@yandex.ru Simonova N. S., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, savchenkonat@mail.ru |
Название | Slurry gas content effect upon intensity of hydraulic impact |
Авторы | Aleksandrov V. I., Nezametdinov А. B., Khrabrov А. P. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Aleksandrov V. I., Head of Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, victalex@mail.ru Nezametdinov А. B., Senior Researcher, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences Khrabrov А. P., Leading Engineer |
NEWS | |
Название | To the memory of Yu. V. Buksha |
Название | To the memory of P. I. Kruppa |
Название | Condolence |