Obogashchenie Rud

This issue presents a wide variety of processes, applied in minerals processing.
Radiometric separation and small-batch sorting technologies may be applied at many solid mineral deposits. It is the authors' (V.V. Novikov, V.V. Rudakov) opinion that by means of these technologies a significant part of cut-off grade minerals resources and ore reserves of the Russian Federation may be transferred into the category of economic resources and active reserves.
The paper byА. А. Chistyakov et al. presents an analysis of the pilot-scale testing results and an estimation of prospects for application of flotation machine Jameson Cell of column type in cleaning flotation cycle at an operation of OAO “Polymetall”.
Efficiency of thermo-chemical treatment processes is demonstrated through the examples of bauxites (the paper byО. А. Dubovikov et al.) and manganese minerals processing (the paper byYe. V. Kazakova and V. I. Levashova).
The theoretical issues of screening process are considered in the paper by L. А. Vaisberg and K. S. Ivanov.
It is important to note a number of papers that develop the subjects of the earlier published works.
So, in elaboration of the probabilistic model of grinding, proposed by the authors, its use for prediction of operating results demonstrated by the commercial mills at Zhezkazgan Concentrating Plant is described (the paper byV.P. Malyshevet al.).
The paper by G.N. Mashevsky, S.A. Romanenko once again proves a practicability of the new approaches to flotation process modeling, developed at the Outotec company. Neural network modeling was successfully put to test in cleaning flotation cycle treating copper-pyrite ores from the “Named after the 50th October anniversary” deposit.
Successful application of computer technologies for molecular simulation of reagents and their interaction with minerals is described in the paper by P.М. Solozhenkin. The paper considers thionocarbamates interaction with sulfide minerals: covelline, bornite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, etc.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Application of the probabilistic model of grinding for analysis and prediction of commercial mill operating results |
Авторы | Malyshev V. P., Makasheva A. M., Bekturganov N. S., Tokbulatov T. Ye., Kravchenko V. G., Kaykenov D. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh. Abishev (Republic of Kazakhstan): Malyshev V. P., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory, eia_hmi@mail.ru Makasheva A. M., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, eia_hmi@mail.ru
National Scientific-Technological Holding «Parasat» (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Kazakhmys Corporation (Republic of Kazakhstan):
Zhezkazgan Concentrator (Republic of Kazakhstan) Kravchenko V. G., Chief Preparator
E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University (Repubic of Kazakhstan) Kaykenov D. A., Researcher |
Название | Radiometric technologies application between ore mining and ore processing stages |
Авторы | Novikov V. V., Rudakov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | EGONT Ltd. (Russia): Novikov V. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, General Director, egont@mail.wplus.net
PNO «Yakutalmaz» (1977–1983): Rudakov V. V., General Director |
Название | The Middle Timan bauxites thermo-chemical treatment process study |
Авторы | Dubovikov О. А., Brichkin V. N., Nikolayeva N. V., Romashev А. О. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Russia): Dubovikov О. А., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor Romashev А. О., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Assistant |
Название | The Ulu-Telyakskoye deposit manganese limestones chemical processing with application of sulphatisation roasting |
Авторы | Kazakova Ye. V., Levashova V. I. |
Информация об авторах | Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University (Russia): Kazakova Ye. V., Senior Lecturer, kazakova_yelena@mail.ru |
Название | Jameson Cell pilot-scale flotation testing at OAO «Albazino Resources» gold recovery plant |
Авторы | Chistyakov А. А., Kovalev V. N., Galyutin А. Yu., Golikov V. V., Aksyenov B. V., Rahbani R. |
Информация об авторах | JSC Polymetal Engineering (Russia): Chistyakov А. А., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Leading Engineer, chistyakov@polymetal.ru Kovalev V. N., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Leading Engineer, kovalevVN@polymetal.ru Galyutin А. Yu., Head of Laboratory, Galutin@polymetal.ru Golikov V. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Head of Department of Mineral Processing, GolikVV@polymetal.ru Aksyenov B. V., Process Technology Expert, Aksenov@polymetal.ru
Xstrata Technology (Russia and CIS): Rahbani R., Mineral Processing Manager, Europe/CIS, Rakan.Rahbani@xt-t.com
The authors are deeply indebted to N. A. Galimov, Head of Plant, O. A. Starenkiy, Chief Metallurgist, as well as to the staff of the Albazinskaya gold recovery plant Research Laboratory of OAO «Albazino Resources», under the direction of N. S. Guseva, for assistance in preparation and performance of pilot-scale testing. |
Название | Copper-pyrite ores flotation cleaning cycle mathematical model |
Авторы | Mashevskiy G. N., Romanenko S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Outotec (St. Petersburg) (Russia): Mashevskiy G. N., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Chief Process Adviser, gennady.mashevsky@outotec.com |
Название | A universal method of particle shape description, its effect upon sieve classification results |
Авторы | Vaysberg L. А., Ivanov K. S. |
Информация об авторах | REC «Mekhanobr-Tekhnika» (Russia): Vaysberg L. А., Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Scientific Supervisor, gornyi@mtspb.com Ivanov K. S., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Researcher, ivanoff.k.s@gmail.com |
Название | Molecular simulation of thionocarbamates and their interaction with copper and pyrite mineral matrix |
Автор | Solozhenkin P. М. |
Информация об авторе | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the RAS (Russia): Solozhenkin P. М., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Chief Researcher, solozhenkin@mail.ru |
Название | Fluorite ores processing waste utilization in ceramic production |
Авторы | Nikiforova E. M., Yeromasov R. G., Vlasov О. А., Vasilyeva М. N., Simonova N. S. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University (Russia): Nikiforova E. M., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, nem1950@inbox.ru Yeromasov R. G., Senior Lecturer, kmp198@inbox.ru Vasilyeva М. N., Ph. D. in Chemistry, Associate Professor, fiz-chim@mail.ru |
Название | Concentrating plant processing section modeling in MatLAB package |
Автор | Zatonskiy A. V. |
Информация об авторе | Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia): Zatonskiy A. V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair, zxenon2000@yandex.ru |
NEWS | |
Название | Jubilee of L. A. Vaysberg |
Название | ZAO «Mekhanobr Engineering» and ОАО «Apatit»: 85 years of cooperation |
Авторы | Borodulin V. V., Smirnov G. N., Babich A. M., Pashkin L. N. |