Tsvetnye Metally

The July issue of Tsvetnye Metally marks the 250th anniversary of the Saint Petersburg Mining University and most of the articles included in it describe research findings obtained by the academic staff of this famous institution. These research papers make a major part of the contents.
Please, note the paper published in the Economics & Production Management section that features the history of Russian metallurgy during Peter’s I reign. The authors analyze the works by pre-Revolution, Soviet and contemporary Russian and foreign historians and consider the main stages in the evolution of the industry in Russia in the 17th century through the 1st quarter of the 18th century. The authors distinguish and examine the key areas of metallurgical modernization implemented by Peter the Great. The same section gives a review of the most advanced research efforts and developments in the aluminium industry.
Of particular interest would be the articles published in the From the History of Metallurgy section. The author of one of them considers published research texts as rhetorical tools and attempts to analyze the thinking of technoscientists and their understanding of science. The material of interest included papers authored by Russian metallurgical engineers. The article that focuses on the Leningrad Mining Institute’s Nickel Group and ist role in the evolution of the Soviet non-ferrous metals industry tells about the Group‘s activity in the historic context of the first Five-Year Plans and the 2nd World War. The following article of this section examines the physico-chemical properties of some silver 1 rouble coins from the Nicholas II period. It also looks at the minting process, which involves smelting of silver ore. The paper describes the role of V. P. Smirnov, Münzmeister of the Saint Petersburg Mint, who was last to redesign the Nicholas Silver Rouble and who made a great contribution to cherishing Peter’s I minting tradition.
In this issue, the editorial board and the editor’s office of Tsvetnye Metally, the “Ore & Metals” Publishing House, as well as friends and colleagues, give their warmest birthday wishes to the Saint Petersburg Mining University’s professors V. M. Sizyakov, who is celebrating his 85th birthday; V. N. Brichkin, who is celebrating his 70th birthday; and V. Yu. Bazhin, iscelebratinghis 60th birthday.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
Название | Peter I and the history of Russian metallurgy |
Авторы | Rudnik S. N., Samylovskaya E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: S. N. Rudnik, Associate Professor at the Department of History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, e-mail: rudnik7@yandex.ru |
Название | Experimental testing of technologies for processing refractory gold-bearing raw materials |
Авторы | Boduen A. Ya., Poperechnikova O. Yu., Zalesov M. V., Grigoryeva V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Сhair for Metallurgy, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. Ya. Boduen, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Chair for Metallurgy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: bodyen-anna@mail.ru M. V. Zalesov, 3rd year Postgraduate Student
JSC SPA RIVS, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. A. Grigoryeva, Process Engineer |
Название | Calculation and experimental determination of equilibrium composition of liquors in certain instances of the Na2O – К2O – Al2O3 – H2O System |
Авторы | Brichkin V. N., Fedorov A. T. |
Информация об авторах | Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. N. Brichkin, Head of Metallurgy Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: Brichkin_VN@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | The concept of modern ecosystem for the Ural Aluminium Smelter |
Авторы | Piirainen V. Yu., Mikhaylov A. V., Barinkova A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. Yu. Piirainen, Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Artwork Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: piraynen@gmail.com |
Название | Quality assessment of needle coke used in the production of graphite electrodes for metallurgical furnaces |
Авторы | Gabdulkhakov R. R., Rudko V. A., Efimov I. I., Spektoruk A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: R. R. Gabdulkhakov, Research Fellow at the Scientific Center “Issues of Processing Mineral and Technogenic Resources”, e-mail: renat18061995@gmail.com El 6 LLC, Moscow, Russia1 ; EPM-Novosibirsk Electrode Plant JSC, Novosibirsk Region, Russia2: A. A. Spektoruk, First Deputy General Director1, Managing Director2, e-mail: oborodenko@energoprom.ru |
Название | Al – Ti – B master alloys: structure formation in modified alloys |
Авторы | Kovalskaya K. V., Gorlanov E. S. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: K. V. Kovalskaya, Member of the Research Centre, e-mail: Kovalskaya_KV@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Separation of ultrafine uranium oxide particles from zirconium alloys in remelting processes with fluoride and oxide slags: thermodynamic analysis |
Авторы | Zhilina E. M., Krasikov S. A., Kuznetsov I. V., Kalenova M. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Metallurgy at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia: E. M. Zhilina, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Rare Refractory Metals, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: ezhilina@bk.ru
Institute of Metallurgy at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia1 ; Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia2: S. A. Krasikov, Principle Researcher at the Laboratory of Rare Refractory Metals1, 2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: sankr@mail.ru
Leading Institute of Chemical Technology (VNIIKhT), Moscow, Russia: I. V. Kuznetsov, Head of the Laboratory for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: ivan7501966@mail.ru M. Yu. Kalenova, Head of the Department of Сhemical Technologies for Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Candidate of Technical Science, e-mail: kalenovamu@yandex.ru |
Название | A system for analyzing abnormal physico-mechanical properties and processability of non-ferrous alloys based on equilibrium diagrams |
Авторы | Shakhnazarov K. Yu., Vologzhanina S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: K. Yu. Shakhnazarov, Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Artwork Engineering,Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: karen812@yandex.ru |
Название | Influence of magnetic-abrasive processing on roughness of flat products made of AMts grade aluminum alloy |
Авторы | Maksarov V. V., Keksin A. I., Filipenko I. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. V. Maksarov, Professor, Head of the Chair for Mechanical Engineering, Dean of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: maks78.54@mail.ru |
Название | Degradation Induced by thermal and chemical impacts on matrix codes installed on brass and aluminium alloy parts by laser |
Авторы | Pryakhin E. I., Troshina E. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Department of Materials Science and Artwork Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Russia: E. I. Pryakhin, Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: e-p-azernbc@yandex.ru |
Название | Laser marking of non-ferrous metal and alloy products using ultradense barcodes: process features |
Авторы | Petkova A. P., Ganzulenko O. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. P. Petkova, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: petkova_AP@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Metallurgical science in a virtual reality |
Автор | Mikeshin M. I. |
Информация об авторе | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Mikeshin M. I., Associated Professor, Research Director, The Problem Lab of Social Sciences & Humanities, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, e-mail: mikeshin_mi@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Nickel Group and Its role in the history of soviet non-ferrous metals industry |
Автор | Vedernikov V. V. |
Информация об авторе | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. V. Vedernikov, Lead Researcher at the Museum of Mining, Doctor of Historical Sciences, e-mail: vedernikov75@mail.ru |
Название | Composition, structure and properties of the last silver rubles of the Russian Empire in 1895–1915: continuation of the Petrine traditions of coinage |
Авторы | Bazhin V. Yu., Gorlenkov D. V., Povarov V. G., Vedernikov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. Yu. Bazhin, Head of the Chair for Automation of Technological Processes and Production, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: bazhin-alfoil@mail.ru |