Chernye Metally

The Russian section of this issue includes two articles. Yu. S. Yusfin, V. V. Korovushkin, V. V. Tikhomirovet al. examined in their work usage of beneficiation slimes of goethite-hydrogoethite ores as binding agents in pellet production. Executed calculation of blast furnace practice parameters with partial usage of pellets in charge materials with addition of 5 % slime and 0.5 % bentonite as binding agents has displayed that blast furnace parameters have not changed actually and saving of expensive bentonite is possible.
G. N. Kolpakov, N. A. Kolpakova, V. A. Kuzov and V. I. Khvostov. showed in their paper possibility of cleaning of stainless steel scrap with removal of X-ray impurities via electrolytic method. It was established that tubes of "cold line" of reactor cooling system are washed with removal of X-ray depositions during one electrolytic cycle in cathode treatment with described operating parameters (solution concentration, treatment duration, current density).
Tracking of a flat belt entry looper within a continuous pickling line of voestalpine Stahl GmbH was examined by M. Egger, A. C. Kirchebner and T. Huber. With the aim of optimizing trackingsystems, the lateral movement of the steel strip through the continuous pickling linewas analysed and two different steering strategies were investigated.
M. Haverkamp and M. Sauerland observed wall thickness laser measuring as basis for quality assurance in seamless tube production. In order to minimise this loss, the deviation between nominal and actual wall thickness must be measured and corrected as early as possible in the production process. There are a number of possible methods for measuring the thickness.The latest development in this field, Lasus Multi-Scan, is based on the laser-excited and laser-detected ultrasonic measuring principle that offers a number of technical benefits for the wall thickness measurement and forms an ideal basis for a quality assurance system (QAS).
The large survey "Analytical chemistry in the steel industry" was prepared by D. Sommer, J. Flock, E. Thiemann and B.-J. Schlothmann. Analytical chemistry in the steel industry is closely associated with the cooperative activities of colleagues in the Chemists Committee of the Steel Institute VDEh.
J. Wilden, S. Jagn, N. Milahin et al. analyzed in their article prospects and visions for joining modern steels as hybrid constructions. The increasing diversity of modern,innovative materials and their continuously increasing strength also lead to more stringent requirements on thejoining processes. An economic and energy-efficient solution for these technological challenges can be realized byusing innovative brazing processes in combination with new filler materials.
Environmental problems are discussed in the article "Ecological restoration is additional load on iron and steel industry first of all" by H.-J. Kerkhoff.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Usage of beneficiation slimes of goethite-hydrogoethite ores as binding agents in pellet production |
Авторы | Yu. S. Yusfin, V. V. Korovushkin, S. I. Anufrieva, V. V. Tikhomirov, G. A. Sladkova, N. M. Durov, D. B. Makeev, A. V. Temnov. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. Yu. S. Yusfin; Dr. Eng., Prof. V. V. Korovushkin; Ph.D. V. B. Tikhomirov; N. M. Durov, Postgraduate; D. B. Makeev, Postgraduate, National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys"; Ph.D. S. I. Anufrieva; G. A. Sladkova, Chief Reseacher; Ph.D. A. V. Temnov, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials named after N. M. Fedorovskogo, Russia; |
Название | Cleaning of stainless steel scrap with removal of X-ray impurities via electrolytic method |
Авторы | G. N. Kolpakov, N. A. Kolpakova, V. A. Kuzov, V. I. Khvostov. |
Информация об авторах | Ph.D. G. N. Kolpakov, Chair of Physics and Power Plants; Dr. Eng., Prof. N. A. Kolpakova, Chair of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, National Research Tomsk Politechnic University; V. A. Kuzov, Engineer-Researching; V. I. Khvostov, Deputy Director of Industrial Engineering Laboratory, OJSC Siberian Chemical Combine, Seversk, Russia; |
Rolling | |
Название | Tracking of a flat belt entry looper within a continuous pickling line |
Авторы | M. Egger, A. C. Kirchebner, T. Huber. |
Информация об авторах | Prof., priv. assist. prof. M. Egger, Head of designing direction "Scientific knowledge about engineering", FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH, Wels, Austria; Dr. Eng. A. C. Kirchebner, Project leader, Cold-rolled strip / finishing; Eng. T. Huber, Cold-rolled sheet / processing, voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz, Austria; |
Название | High-tech for seamless tubes |
Название | Wall thickness laser measuring as basis for quality assurance in seamless tube production |
Авторы | M. Haverkamp, M. Sauerland. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng. M. Haverkamp, Manager, Lasus- & QSS-systems; Eng. M. Sauerland, Head of group, Measuring sensors for equipment of production of seamless tubes, SMS Meer GmbH, Mönchengladnach; |
Название | Usage of data intellectual analysis in rolling production |
Авторы | K. Morik, M. Stolpe, J. Deuse, F. Bohnen, U. Reichel. |
Информация об авторах | University Prof., Dr. K. Morik; M. Stolpe, Scientific fellow, Chair of artificial inteleect, Dortmund Technical University; University Prof., Dr. Eng. J. Deuse; Eng. Econ. F. Bohnen, Scientific fellow, Chair of labour and production systems, Dortmund Technical University; Dr.-Eng. U. Reichel, Quality management, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke GmbH, Witten; |
Metal forming | |
Название | Precise contour varying directly after forging |
Авторы | R. Grandt, K.-G. Penkatzki. |
Информация об авторах | R. Grandt, Head of service of technical maintenance and repair, Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH, Bochum; K.-G. Penkatzki, LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen, Lüneburg; |
Coating and surface treatment | |
Название | New technology for high-temperature treatment of electrotechnical steel strip with oriented grain |
Авторы | F. J. Ebner, D. Brandstätter. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. F. J. Ebner, Management of scientific-research and pi;pt-engineering projects, D. Brandstätter, Vice president, Technological direction, Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbH, Leonding, Austria; |
Research and design works | |
Название | Analytical chemistry in the steel industry |
Авторы | D. Sommer, J. Flock, E. Thiemann, B.-J. Schlothmann. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Nat., Eng. Chem. D. Sommer, Senior specialist in materials science; Dr. Nat, Eng. Chem. J. Flock, Senior chemist, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Duisburg; Prof., Dr. Nat. Eng. Chem. E. Thiemann, Essen, former Head of the laboratory at metallurgical works, Krupp Mannesmann GmbH, Duisburg; Dr. Nat., Eng. Chem. B.-J. Schlothmann, Head of department of raw materials and metallurgy, Chemical Committee, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Название | Prospects and visions for joining modern steels as hybrid constructions |
Авторы | J. Wilden, S. Jagn, N. Milahin, T. Luhn, L. Rehfeldt, S.-F. Goecke, E. Schmid, U. Berger. |
Информация об авторах | Prof., Dr. Eng. J. Wilden, Head of specialized direction "Technologies of joining and coating"; Dr. Eng. S. Jagn, Senior engineer.; Eng. N. Milahin, Scientific fellow.; Eng. T. Luhn, Scientific fellow.; L. Rehfeldt, Scientific fellow., Specialized direction "Technologies of joining and coating", Berlin Technical University, Berlin; Dr.-Eng. S.-F. Goecke, Head of direction of scientific-research and pilot-engineering works, EWM Hightec Welding GmbH, Mündersbach; Dr. Nat. E. Schmid, Head of quality management service; Dr. Nat. U. Berger, Manager of product development, Berkenhoff GmbH, Heuchelheim; |
Название | Development of standards for electrocars |
Economics and finances | |
Название | Ecological restoration is additional load on iron and steel industry first of all |
Автор | H.-J. Kerkhoff. |
Информация об авторе | H.-J. Kerkhoff, President of "Steel" Economical Union, Chairman of the Board of Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Steel production in the world | |
Название | Steel production in the world |
Scientific and technical news of the world | |
Название | Scientific and technical news of the world |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Steel writes the history |
Автор | A. Schwarz. |
Название | The historical committee has a meeting in Dilingen on the case of company's jubilee |
Автор | A. Schwarz. |
Название | Technological features of new forging presses |