Chernye Metally

The issue is opened by two parts of investigation undertaken by the specialists from Magnitogorsk State Technical University. The first of them is "Technological possibilities for compensation of wedging in cold rolling of narrow band" by V. M. Salganik, A. M. Pesin, G. A. Kunitsyn and D. O. Pustovoitov. Special experiments have been undertaken at the 5-stand rolling mill 630 of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Works; they were directed on revealing of relationship between widening and wedging in cold rolling of narrow band. These experiments have displayed essential influence of cross section wedging on widening. The second paper "Development and analysis of possible adjusting effects on widening process in cold rolling of narrow band" by A. M. Pesin, V. M. Salganik, G. A. Kunitsyn et al. is devoted to the problem of band rolling from the billets having wedging cross section that has arisen during operation of the 5-stand rolling mill 630 of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Works. This paper presents analysis of possible adjusting effects on metal widening based on mathematical simulation using finite elements method. As a result, transversal gauge interference is forming. Influence of friction conditions, level of tensions between rolling stands and reduction value has been examined.
Other authors from Magnitogorsk State Technical Unversity (N. V. Koptseva, A. G. Korchunov, D. G. Emaleeva and O. A. Nikitenko) devoted their work to study of features of structure forming in the process of intensive plastic deformation of carbon structural steels. Microstructure of the samples from 20 and 45 steels have been analyzed comparatively using scanning electronic microscopy, and it has been established that more intensive fragmentation of structural components not only in surfacial layers but also in the core area of processed billets occurs in equal channel angular extrusion (RKUP) in comparison with equal channel angular free drawing (RKU-FD).
The last original Russian-language paper in this issue presents the process of barium and strontium reduction by silicon and aluminium using the methods of thermodynamic simulation. O. I. Nokhrina, V. I. Dmitrienko, I. D. Rozhikhina and M. A. Platonov have analyzed the results during smelting of steel 25G2S in electric arc furnaces of the melting shop at West-Siberian Metallurgical Works. It is concluded that low residual barium and strontium content in metal doesn't allow to conclude about positive effect caused by transition of these elements in steel.
Two articles are presented in the section "Iron and Steel Production". Ch. Thaler, J. Schenk and J. F. Plaul investigated balance model of the Finex process to estimate the overall energy consumption of the process and showed the effect of the variation of process parameters on the energy consumption. U. Grziwotz, M. Hennesen and W. Oppermann observed modernizing a melting shop using process simulation that familiarizes the users with the new technology, helps to identify and debug failures before ramp-up. Using the example of a steel plant and a continuous caster at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG in Duisburg, options and extensiveness of different process simulation methods are illustrated and schedule of modernization is analyzed.
Three-dimensional coordinate measuring system for the mould and segment workshop were successfully introduced into large industrial operations. Since 2005 Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH uses laser measurement in its two-strand slab caster No 2 to measure the mould and segment positions within the caster. M. Friedrich, H. van Wyl, P. Müller et al. stated in their paper that “Lasertracker” is one of the most important measuring tools for applications that require a high degree of measuring accuracy and volume.
The paper "The application of hot-rolled wide strip for cold-rolling industry" by H. Buddenberg, D. Wilmes and M. Hellmann is devoted to relation of rectangular hot- and cold-rolled steel strip profiles, as well as different qualities of profile shapes and their effect on the cold-rolled final product. The importance of the strip geometry for different selected applications is shown as an example.
M. Candiotti, G. di Schino, H.-G. Hartung et al. observed complex strip processing lines for grain-oriented electrical steel strip.The highly complex production route of grain-oriented electrical steel strip from SMS Siemag requires sophisticated treatment concepts. Technologically perfected mature solutions and state-of-the-art technologies for the production of superior steel strip grades will be presented (e.g. flattening and coating line).
K. Harste and H. B. Lüngen presented analytical survey "Quo vadis steel industry - what road does it take?". They displayed that the steel industry in Germany is one of the most modern in the world. But the production of steel inevitably leads to CO2 emissions. The current plans for the CO2 emission trading in Europe for the period from 2013 on, the increasing costs of the financial support of renewable energies and the planned decreasing of the energy tax relief burden especially the German steel industry and impair its competition in the international business.
Improved material-tracking with automatic stamp-identification system is described in the paper by A. Borowikow, J. Schenk, T. Schwarze et al. This system is in operation at Georgsmarienhütte and features high fault detection rates for continuously cast ingots, reduces manual detection efforts and eliminates errors caused by manual fault detection techniques. The fault detection rate has averaged 95 % since the initial start-up of the system two years ago.
R. Miesen, J. Wittwer and M. Vossiek presented the publication about automatized account of material flows using radio signals. Fully automatized coil storage using radio frequency identification system (RFID) is described. Forklifts at this coil storage are equipped with RFID- and local positioning system LPR. Automated crane is also supplied with RFID antenna.
New standardized method for determining the brittle-ductile transition temperature is described in the paper by I. Steller, N. Blaes, B. Kocdemir and J. Brandenburger. A unified methodology, recently developed within the German Steel Institute VDEh, allows a more reproducible determination of the FATT values. The result is the new Stahl-Eisen-Prüfblatt (test specification for iron and steel) SEP 1670 which may be the basis for global standardization of this test methodology.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Scientific and technikal journals: the way to international recognition |
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Technological possibilities for compensation of wedging in cold rolling of narrow band |
Авторы | V. M. Salganik, A. M. Pesin, G. A. Kunitsyn, D. O. Pustovoitov. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. V. M. Salganik; Dr. Eng., Prof. A. M. Pesin, Chair of Metal Forming, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov; Ph.D. G. A. Kunitsin, Deputy Chief Sheet Rolling Shop No. 3, OJSC “MMK”; D. O. Pustovoytov, Postgraduate, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosov, Russia; |
Название | Development and analysis of possible adjusting effects on widening process in cold rolling of narrow band |
Авторы | A. M. Pesin, V. M. Salganik, G. A. Kunitsyn, D. O. Pustovoitov, S. V. Blinov. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. A. M. Pesin; Dr. Eng., Prof. V. M. Salganik, Chair of Metal Forming, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov; Ph.D. G. A. Kunitsin, Deputy Chief Sheet Rolling Shop No. 3, OJSC “MMK”; D. O. Pustovoytov, Postgraduate; S. V. Blinov, Postgraduate; Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosov, Russia; |
Название | Study of features of structure forming in the process of intensive plastic deformation of carbon structural steels |
Авторы | M. V. Chukin, N. V. Koptseva, A. G. Korchunov, D. G. Emaleeva, O. A. Nikitenko. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. M. V. Chukin, Chair of Engineering and Metallurgical Technology; Ph.D., Docent N. V. Koptseva, Chair of Materials Science and Metal Heat Treatment; Dr. Eng. A. G. Korchunov, Chair of Mechanical Equipment of Metallurgical Plants; Ph.D., Senior Lecturer D. G. Emaleeva; Eng. O. A. Nikitenko, Chair of Engineering and Metallurgical Technology, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov; |
Название | Barium and strontium reduction during steel processing |
Авторы | O. I. Nokhrina, V. I. Dmitrienko, I. D. Rozhikhina, M. A. Platonov. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. O. I. Nohrina, Ph.D., Docent V. I. Dmitrienko, Dr. Eng., Prof. I. D. Rozhikhina, Siberian State Industrial University; Senior Lecturer M. A. Platonov, Jurga Institute of Technology of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University; |
Название | 100th anniversary of P. I. Polukhin |
Ironmaking and steelmaking | |
Название | Balance model of the Finex process to estimate the overall energy consumption of the process |
Авторы | Ch. Thaler, J. Schenk, J. F. Plaul. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Ch. Thaler, Scientific Fellow; Dr. J. Schenk, University Prof., Chair of Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria; Dr. J. F. Plaul, Technological workman, Siemens VAI, Linz, Austria; christoph.thaler@unilе |
Название | Modernizing a melting shop using process simulation |
Авторы | U. Grziwotz, M. Hennesen, W. Oppermann. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. U. Grziwotz, Head of Direction “Service and Development”, Continuous Casting, Bruckhausen; Eng. M. Hennesen, Leadind Engineer, Direction “Service BOF production 2”; Eng. W. Oppermann, Head of CCM, Bruckhausen, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Duisburg; |
Casting | |
Название | Three-dimensional coordinate measuring system for the mould and segment workshop |
Авторы | M. Friedrich, H. van Wyl, P. Müller, G. Grundmann, D. Gaczek, F. Hellweg. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. M. Friedrich, Construction of CCM; Eng. H. von Wyl, Innovation management consultant, SMS Siemag AG, Düsseldorf; Dr.-Eng. P. Müller, Head of Department CCL; Eng. G. Grundmann, Head of Maintenance; Eng. D. Gaczek, Workshop of centering; Eng. F. Hellweg, Technical Services, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Salzgitter; |
Rolling | |
Название | The application of hot-rolled wide strip for cold-rolling industry |
Авторы | H. Buddenberg, D. Wilmes, M. Hellmann. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. H. Buddenberg, Technical Manager; D. Wilmes, C.D.Waelzholz, Hagen; Eng. M. Hellmann, Head of the service of quality control, C.D.Waelzholz, Plettenberg; |
Название | Reliability and high productivity during manipulation of narrow strip coils |
Авторы | F. Karthaus, M. Pelle. |
Информация об авторах | F. Karthaus, Managing Director, KB Anlagentechnik GmbH, Dortmund; M. Pelle, Managing Director, hpl-Neugnadenfelder Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Ringe; |
Coating and surface treatment | |
Название | Lifting unit with circulating oil cooling system providing lowering of equipment downtime |
Авторы | U. Hintermeier, J. Walek. |
Информация об авторах | U. Hintermeier, Head of technical support and sales drive technology; J. Walek, Product Manager, Pfaff-silberblau Heberzeugfabrik GmbH, Kissing; |
Название | Complex strip processing lines for grain-oriented electrical steel strip |
Авторы | M. Candiotti, G. di Schino, H.-G. Hartung, M. Haentjes, W. Püttgen, C. Sasse. |
Информация об авторах | Dr.-Eng. M. Candiotti, Expert, Dr. G. di Schino, Expert, Duferco SA, Terni, Italy; Dr. Eng. H.-G. Hartung, Head of department of strip processing units; Eng. M. Haentjes, Director of the project; Dr.-Eng. W. Püttgen, Technologist, Department of strip processing units; C. Sasse, Special editor, Department of strip processing units, SMS Siemag AG, Hilden, Germany; |
Power engineering and environment protection | |
Название | Quo vadis steel industry — what road does it take? |
Авторы | K. Harste, H. B. Lüngen. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. K. Harste, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Saarstahl AG, Völklingen; Dr.-Eng. H. B. Lüngen, Senior manager of technological equipment, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Metallurgy and automative industry | |
Название | Hi-Tech steels for innovative solutions in automotive industry |
Автор | U. Ratzek. |
Control, organization and production management | |
Название | Improved material-tracking with automatic stamp-identification system |
Авторы | A. Borowikow, J. Schenk, T. Schwarze, T. Bünger, K. Golinske. |
Информация об авторах | Dr.-Eng. A. Borowikow, Head, Phys. J. Schenk, Head, GMS Gesellschaft fuer me tallurgische Systeme mbH, Bärnau; Eng. T. Schwarze, Head of the project BV/IA; T. Bünger, Direction BV/IA, GFaI Gesellschaft zur Foerderung angewandter Informatik e.V., Berlin; Eng. K. Golinske, Head of Rolling, Georgsmarienhuette GmbH, Georgsmarienhütte; |
Название | Automatized account of material flows using radio signals |
Авторы | R. Miesen, J. Wittwer, M. Vossiek. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. R. Miesen, Scientific fellow; Eng. J. Wittwer, Scientific fellow; Prof., Dr.-Eng. M. Vossiek, Director of Institute, Mining and metallurgical cluster of automated identification systems, Institute of Technology of collection, processing and transmission of electric information, Technical university of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld; |
Research and design works | |
Название | New standardized method for determining the brittle-ductile transition temperature |
Авторы | I. Steller, N. Blaes, B. Kocdemir, J. Brandenburger. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. I. Steller, Department of Technology and material research, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; Dr. Nat. N. Blaes, Saarschmiede Freiformschmiede, Völklingen; Dr.-Eng. B. Kocdemir, Siemens AG Energy Sector, Mülheim an der Ruhr; Math. J. Brandenburger, VDEh Institute of Applied Research GmbH, Düsseldorf; |
Название | Study of massive metallic glass |
Название | Outsourcing for engineers |
Steel as a material | |
Название | Music of steel and glass |
Economics and finances | |
Название | Stable uptake depending on political boundary conditions |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff. |
Информация об авторе | H. J. Kerkhoff, President of Economical Union "Steel", Chairman of the Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Название | Restricted optimism at the Italian steel market |
Автор | H. Jung. |
Информация об авторе | H. Jung, Correspondent in Italy; |
Название | Steel production in the world |
Название | Scientific and technical news of the world |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Steel writes history |
Автор | A. Schwarz. |
Название | Georg Agricola: about mining matter and metallurgy |
Автор | D. Haberland. |
Информация об авторе | Prof., Dr. D. Haberland, Oldenburg University named after Karl von Osezky, Oldenburg; |
Название | Blast furnace practice |
Автор | Yu. G. Gurevich. |
Информация об авторе | Dr. Eng., Prof. Yu. G. Gurevich, Chair "Energy and Technology of Metals", Kurgan State University, Russia; |