Tsvetnye Metally

Current issue of journal “Tsvetnye Metally” (Non-ferrous metals) shares the questions of theory and practice of ores enrichment, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex using of ore raw materials, economics and management of production.
Article by executives of A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science gives the results of selective sorption extraction research of platinum (IV) and rhodium (III) ions with using the activated carbon. It is shown that sorption by activated carbons allows to extract platinum ions with its separation from the most accompanying metals (Fe, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Co etc.).
In Russia, alumina and soda products are obtained from high-quality nepheline raw materials, through the thermochemical technology (fusing with limestones). Resources of high-quality nepheline raw materials are sufficiently limited. Article by N. V. Golovnikh, I. I. Shepelev, A. G. Pikhtovnikov and S. N. Gorbachev informs about the principle possibility of addition of high duty fireclay brick wastes and slags of ferrotitanium production (in the quantity to 10% (pts.)) to the nepheline-limestone charge. This happens during the obtaining of alumina and soda products and allows to decrease the unit discharge of nepheline ore to 0, 75 – 0, 85 t/t of Al2O3 and increase the output of alumina by 2,6%.
OJSC “Supermetall” celebrates its 50-th anniversary in June. The publication of articles of its employees is devoted to this event. Readers can learn more about some directions of the enterprises` activity.
At the 14-th of May, Russian aluminium industry celebrated its 80-th anniversary. Readers can learn about the historical and analytical survey, written by V. M. Sizyakov, head of a Chair of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of Saint Petersburg State Mining University.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
Информация об авторе | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
Название | How to motivate labor: particularities of 2012. Part 2 |
Авторы | Kotlyar B. A., Okunkov A. M. |
Информация об авторах |
TsNOTORGMET Consulting-Analytical Center B. A. Kotlyar, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: tsnot@yandex.ru
All-Russian sectoral association of employers “Association of Industrialists of the Mining-Metallurgical Complex of Russia A. M. Okunkov, Chief Operating Officer
Название | Managing capital structure of a metallurgical company aimed on rising its market capitalisation and goodwill cost. Part 1 |
Автор | Kalinskiy O. I. |
Информация об авторе | National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISIS)
Название | Requirements to the choice and designing of selective reagents-collectors. Part 2. Requirements to physical-chemical properties of selective reagents-collectors |
Автор | Abramov A. A. |
Информация об авторе |
Название | Conversion of nickel sulfate to hydroxide (II) |
Авторы | Bakirov A. R., Nizov V. A., Katyshev S. F. |
Информация об авторах | Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin» A. R. Bakirov, Post Graduate Student, e-mail: bakirov.al@yandex.ru V. A. Nizov, Assistant Professor S. F. Katyshev, Professor, Head of a Chair of Technology of Non-organic Substances |
Название | Assay of precious metals using the Pb-Sn protective film covered the lead button during cupellation |
Авторы | Bogorodsky Ye. V., Barankevich V. G., Balikov S. V., Rybkin S. G. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC “Irkutsk Scientific-Research Institute of noble and rare metals and diamonds (IRGIREDMET) Ye. V. Bogorodsky, Post Graduate Student, Leading Engineer, e-mail: e.bogor@mail.ru V. G. Barankevich, Senior Researcher S. V. Balikov, Chief Executive Officer of a Business Center S. G. Rybkin, Senior Researcher |
Название | Sorption extraction of the platinum ions from the industrial acid solutions, containing the increased amounts of iron |
Авторы | Palant A. A., Levchuk O. M., Brukvin V. A. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science (IMET RAN)
Название | The 50-th anniversary of the SIC “Supermetal” (Summary of proceedings of the SIC “Supermetal” for 50 years) |
Автор | Ulybysheva L. P. |
Информация об авторе |
Название | Achievements of the OJSC “SIC “Supermetal” in the field of development and manufacturing of precious metals |
Авторы | Vasekin V. V., Morozova L. E., Yastrebov V. A. |
Информация об авторах |
Название | Analytical laboratory of OJSC “SIC “Supermetal” |
Авторы | Rovinskaya N. V., Luzan S. V. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall”
Название | Rational using of the platinum metals in the production of the fiberglass |
Авторы | Ulybysheva L. P., Tykochinsky D. S. |
Информация об авторах |
Название | Production of the catalyst and catchment systems for ammonia conversion, according to the Umicore AG&Co.KG company's technology |
Авторы | Gakh S. V., Savenkov D. A. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall” S. V. Gakh, Head of Industrial Catalysts` Department, e-mail: sergeygakh@gmail.com Mineral and Chemical Company EuroChem D. A. Savenkov, Purchasing manager |
Название | Small-sized designs of the glass-melting devices and bushings. Technical and economic indexes of application |
Авторы | Perelman S. L., Yastrebov V. A. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall” S. L. Perelman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, е-mail: perelman@supermetal.ru V. A. Yastrebov, Chief Technologist |
Название | New gold alloys for stomatology |
Авторы | Tykochinsky D. S., Vasekin V. V., Stepanova G. S. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall”
Название | Changes of the properties of plagodent (Super CM) alloy, during the dentures’ manufacturing |
Авторы | Stepanova G. S., Parunov V. A., Vasekin V. V., Sinageykina J. V., Kareva M. A. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall” G. S. Stepanova, Deputy Head of Department, e-mail: gstepanova@yandex.ru V. V. Vasekin, Chief Executive Officer J. V. Sinageykina, Engineer
V. A. Parunov, Leading Researcher of Materials` Science Laboratory
Moscow State University M. A. Kareva, Post Graduate Student |
Название | Sorption of the chloride complexes of palladium and platinum by the chemically modified silica |
Авторы | Boryagina I. V., Volchkova E. V., Buslaeva T. M., Vasilyeva M. V., Ehrlich G. V. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall” I. V. Boryagina, Junior Researcher, Post Graduate Student, e-mail: IrinaBoryagina@mail.ru
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology E. V. Volchkova, Assistant Professor T. M. Buslaeva, Professor M. V. Vasilyeva, Specialist
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University G. V. Ehrlich, Leading Researcher |
Название | Elimination of the consequences of sticking the platinum group metals and alloys to the casting mould |
Авторы | Vershinina E. N., Levchenko S. D. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall”
Название | Changes of the palladium structure and form, induced with hydrogen |
Авторы | Goltsova M. V., Vasekin V. V., Sportsmen L. A., Zhirov G. I. |
Информация об авторах | Donetsk National Technical University M. V. Goltsova, Assistant Professor G. I. Zhirov, Assistant Professor
OJSC Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetall” V. V. Vasekin, Chief Executive Officer L. A. Sportsmen, Chief Specialist, e-mail: pr@supermetal.ru |
Название | Use of technological waste in alumina production at processing nepheline raw |
Авторы | Golovnykh N. V., Shepelev I. I., Pihtovnikov A. G., Gorbachev S. N. |
Информация об авторах | Syberian Institute “State Academy of Occupational Retraining and Training of High-level Personnel and Specialists of Investment Sphere” (GASIS) N. V. Golovnykh, Assistant Professor of a Chair of regional economics and ecological safety, e-mail: golovnykh@igc.irk.ru
“Ecological Engineering Centre” LLC I. I. Shepelev, Chief Executive Officer
“RUSAL-Achinsk” OJSC A. G. Pihtovnikov, Chief Management Officer
“RUSAL-Engineering and Technical Center” LLC S. N. Gorbachev, Head of Department of Aluminous Production Engineering |
Название | Producing Nb2O5:Zn alloys for lithium niobate crystal growth |
Авторы | Masloboeva S. M., Kalinnikov V. T., Zalkind O. A., Kadyrova G. I., Kuznetsov V. Ya. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials, Kola Science Centre of RAS (ICHTREMS KSC RAS) S. M. Masloboeva, Senior Researcher, e-mail: sofia_masloboeva@mail.ru V. T. Kalinnikov, Director O. A. Zalkind, Researcher G. I. Kadyrova, Researcher V. Ya. Kuznetsov, Researcher |
Название | Production technology perfection of rods and wire from leaded brasses |
Авторы | Kuzmina E. V., Marushak L. N., Zheleznyak L. M., Latypova E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Kamensk-Uralsky Non-ferrous Metal Working Plant E. V. Kuzmina, Senior Engineer-Technologist of Technological Department L. N. Marushchak, Senior Engineer-Technologist of Technological Department
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin» L. M. Zheleznyak, Assistant Professor of a Chair of metal deformation process, e-mail: bsp@mtf.ustu.ru E. A. Latypova, Student |