Tsvetnye Metally

The articles, which are published in the 8-th issue of the «Tsvetnye metally» journal, cover the thematics of hard and light non-ferrous metals, noble metals and alloys, rare and radioactive metals. This issue shares the questions of theory and practice of ore benefication, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex usage of ore raw materials, economics and management of production.
This journal presents a publication of the issues from «Russian Copper Company» JSC. There is generalized the implementation experience of innovation projects on enterprises, which belong to the group of companies of Russian Copper Company.
First collection of articles considers the innovation implementation results on the oldest Russian enterprise of copper metallurgy in Karabash city. The copper-smelting plant, which has more than a 100-years history, gets another impulse in its development, due to the usage of more progressive technologies and equipment in non-ferrous metallurgy, by the strict requirements of environmental regulations and competition on the market of copper-containing raw materials. The information, which is presented in the articles, shows the ways of solving the problems of an enterprise, positive and negative experience of implementation of the innovation technologies and equipment. The next collection of articles from Russian Copper Company will be published in the 9-th issue of a journal (September, 2012).
The article by N. V. Serova, M. P. Lysykh, T. V. Olyunina, A. G. Kitay and V. T. Dyachenko, shares the development results of a method of autoclave leaching of oxidized nickel ores with using the elementary sulfur. This method can compete with sulfuric acid autoclave leaching, taking into account the considerable cheapness of the basic reagent and more low values of the technological parameters of the process.
The data about the first years of the operation of Kazakhstan electrolysis plant are presented in the article by S. A. Nikiforov and B. S. Dyblin. There is also given the historical information about the startup of plant. There are given some constructive peculiarities of aluminium electrolysers, along with the data about the heat and power engineering characteristics of electrolysers. The technology method is based on the control and management of the process temperature. The data about the power yield, are presented along with a specific energy consumption and quality of the used alumina. The reserves in the increasing of technical and economic indicators are shown.
The «Metal processing» section presents a scientific review, which is devoted to the global achievements in the development area of WC – Co hard alloys with the gradient structure. The history of this question is briefly presented.
The following kinds of gradient structures are considered:
-the structures, which are characterized by the variable composition on the volume or the height of the product;
-the structures, which are characterized by the changing of the alloy`s microstructure (granularity and/ore the structure of the phases) in the volume or the thickness of the product;
-the structures, which are characterized by the presence of the alloy`s phases, which are specified by the thickness.
The results of the experimental researchings are discussed for the purpose of the creation of functional gradient, at the expense of the carbide phase of various structure, as well as the gradient structure, which is created by this phase of the various dispersity.
The mechanism of the gradient formation is discussed; in particular – the cobalt migration in the volume of the sintered product.
The basic attention is payed for the solid alloys, which are used for the equipping of the cutting and boring tools.
The global usage capacity of WC-Co-alloys for this instrument is ~85–90 % from the common usage of solid alloys.
During the cutting and boring process, the solid alloys with a gradient structure provide the increasing of the durability of tools to 2-4 times.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
Информация об авторе | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
Название | Game theory and strategy of pricing for recycled materials |
Авторы | Kruzhkova G. V., Kostyukhin Yu. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISIS), Moscow, Russia G. V. Kruzhkova, Senior Lecturer of a Chair of an Engineering Cybernetics, e-mail: galkruzhkova@mail.ru |
Название | The assessment of options for processing refractory flotation concentrates |
Авторы | Emelyanov Yu. E., Bogorodskiy A. V., Balikov S. V., Epiforov A. V. |
Информация об авторах | IRGIREDMET JSC, Irkutsk, Russia Yu. E. Emelianov, Leading Researcher |
Название | Flotation research of the ores of ferrous and noble metals by steam-and-air mixture |
Авторы | Evdokimov S. I., Artemov S. V., Panshin A. M., Datsiev M. S. |
Информация об авторах | The North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia Alania Republic, Russia S. I. Evdokimov, Assistant Professor, e-mail: eva-ser@mail.ru M. S. Datsiev, Post Graduate Student |
Название | Innovations in copper metallurgy by the example of a realization of a reconstruction project of “Karabashmed” JSC. Part 1. Choice of a basic melting device |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Golov A. N. |
Информация об авторах | Russian Copper Company LTD, Ekaterinburg, Russia I. A. Altushkin, Head of a Board of Directors
“Karabashmed” JSC, Karabash, Russia A. N. Golov, Chief Executive Officer |
Название | Innovations in copper metallurgy by the example of a realization of a reconstruction project of “Karabashmed” JSC. Part 2. Experience of “Ausmelt” furnace development |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Bakin A. V., Krasilnikov Yu. V. |
Информация об авторах | Russian Copper Company LTD, Ekaterinburg, Russia I. A. Altushkin, Head of a Board of Directors
Yu. V. Krasilnikov, Chief Engineer |
Название | Iron powder recycling in refining technology as a way of safety furthering |
Авторы | Maltsev E. V., Sobachinsky N. N., Khmelev N. B., Pavlov E. A. |
Информация об авторах | “Krastsvetmet” JSC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia E. V. Maltsev, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Engineer, e-mail: info@krastsvetmet.ru |
Название | An influence of the autoclave oxidation leaching of copper electrolytic slimes on their flotation behavior |
Авторы | Lastochkina M. A., Mastyugin S. A., Vergizova T. V., +Greyver T. N. , Ashikhin V. V. |
Информация об авторах | “Gipronickel” Institute LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia M. A. Lastochkina, Senior Researcher, e-mail: MALas@nikel.spb.ru T. V. Vergizova, Senior Researcher
“Uralelectromed” OJSC, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia S. A. Mastyugin, Chief Technologist of an Engineering Department |
Название | Autoclave leaching of the oxidised Buruktalsk nickel ores with usage of the elementary sulphur |
Авторы | Serova N. V., Lysykh M. P., Olyunina T. V., Kitay A. G., Dyachenko V. T. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia N. V. Serova, Senior Researcher
“Norilsk Nickel” MMC, Norilsk, Russia V. T. Dyachenko, Head of Administratiion of Idustrial and Engineering Development |
Название | Interaction of alumina from the electrolyte in conditions of increased content coal foam |
Авторы | Sizyakov V. M., Bazhin V. Yu., Vlasov A. A., Feschenko R. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals, National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia V. M. Sizyakov, Professor, e-mail: kafmetall@mail.ru |
Название | About the operational experience of “Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant” JSC |
Авторы | Nikiforov S. A., Dyblin B. S. |
Информация об авторах | “Expert-Al” LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia S. A. Nikiforov, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: expertal.spb@yandex.ru |
Название | Decomposition of the sodium aluminate solution with use of aluminium sulfate in decomposition operation |
Авторы | Loginova I. V., Shoppert A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Lightweight Metals Metallurgy, Institute of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Ekaterinburg, Russia I. V. Loginova, Assistant Professor, e-mail: loginova_irina@mail.ru |
Название | A technology of sodium-reduced zirconium powders |
Авторы | Orlov V. М., Fedorova L. А., Кalinnikov V. Т., Yaroshenko V. V., Valeev S. М.-А. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Scientific Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia V. М. Orlov, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: orlov@chemy.kolasc.net.ru L. А. Fedorova, Researcher
Russian Federal Nuclear Center of All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia V. V. Yaroshenko, Head of Department
S. М.-А. Valeev, Executive Officer on Special Production |
Название | Production of titanium slag and cast iron from the khibiny titanomagnetite concentrate |
Авторы | Mayorov L. A., Kolesnikova I. G., Kuzmich Yu. V. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Scientific Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia L. A. Mayorov, Junior Researcher, е-mail: mayor_la@chemy.kolasc.net.ru |
Название | Molybdenium distribution research during the extraction of titanium, niobium and tantalum from the fluoride solutions |
Авторы | Mayorov V. G., Nikolaev A. I., Safonova L. A. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of Russian Academy of Sciences of Kola Science Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia V. G. Mayorov, Senior Researcher |
Название | Radioecological aspects of processing of Kola region mineral raw materials |
Автор | Melnik N. A. |
Информация об авторе | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Scientific Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia N. A. Melnik, Senior Researcher, Head of a Regional Laboratory of Radiation Control, e-mail: melnik@chemy.kolasc.net.ru |
Название | Diagnosis of deviations n the process of extraction refining the nuclear fuel |
Авторы | Krivopustov S. I., Pishchulin V. P., Brendakov V. N., Kladiev S. N., Cheshuyakov S. А. |
Информация об авторах | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University of Moscow Engineering Physics University (МIFI), Seversk, Russia S. I. Krivopustov, Post Graduate Student |
Название | The review: hard alloys with gradient structure. Theory and practice |
Авторы | Falkovskiy V. A., Borovskiy G. V., Klyachko L. I., Molodyk S. U., Belyaev S. K. |
Информация об авторах | «VNIIINSTRUMENT» Russian Research & Development Tooling Institute, Moscow, Russia V. A. Falkovskiy, Chief Researcher, e-mail: vafalk@rumbler.ru
L. I. Klyachko, Scientific Consultant |