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Non-ferrous Metals →
2005 →
Журналы →
Non-ferrous Metals →
2005 →
Non-ferrous Metals

Название | The problems of technological improvement and optimization of metallurgical parameters at "Norisl Nickel" mining and metallurgical corporation |
Автор | L. M. Mushkatin |
Название | Geological and technological preparation of raw materials during exploration, mining and concentration at the plants of "Norilsk Nikel" mining and metallurgical corporation |
Авторы | S. M. Kozyrev, M. Z. Komarova, O. A. Kravtsova, V. I. Maksimov, O. A. Yakovleva, L. N. Emelina |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Klemyatov took part in this work |
Название | The mainfeatures of the development of nothern mines at Talnakhskoe and Oktyabr'skoe deposits |
Авторы | A. A. Smirnov, V. V. Yakheev, V. L. Vorob'ev, K. P. Yaroshenko, V. A. Mishanov |
Название | Improvement of concentrating technology for copper-nickel ores at Kola mining and metallurgical corporation |
Авторы | V. P. Bondarenko, V. A. Ivanov, V. F. Kozyrev, S. M. Kozyrev, E. V. Koroleva, V. I. Maksimov |
Название | Smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in dual-zone Vanyukov furnace at "Pechenganickel" integrated works |
Авторы | L. Sh. Tsemekhman, M. V. Knyazev, S. V. Berkutov, O. A. Ryzhov, Yu. A. Chumakov |
Название | Behaviour of copper and nickel in oxidizing smelting of copper low-iron nickel-containing mattels and concentrates for blister copper |
Авторы | L. B. Tsymbulov, L. Sh. Tsemekhman, M. V. Knyazev, M. S. Fedorov, V. N. Galantsev |
Название | Diagrams of structure and substantional composition of metallurgical products containing in Ni, Cu, Fe, S |
Автор | L. N. Ertseva |
Название | Investigation of chemical parameters, mechanism and kinetics of interaction of high-ferriferous copper-nickel mattes with sulfic acid and sulfates of nonferrous metals |
Автор | M. I. Kalashnikova |
Название | Features of autoclave processing of ill-conditioned sphalerite concentrates |
Авторы | Ya. M. Shneerson, A. Yu. Lapin, V. M. Shpaer |
Название | Synthesis of composite spherical hydrate of nickel protooxide for accumulator production |
Авторы | B. E. Zatitsky, L. S. Lutova, L. V. Volkov |
Название | Improvement of copper pyrometallurgical production at "Norilsk nickel" mining and metallurgical corporation in order to solve ecological problems |
Авторы | A. G. Ryabko, M. V. Knyazev, L. Sh. Tsemekhman, V. I. Zaitsev |
Название | Development of methane technology for processing of sulfuric gas of autogenous melting |
Авторы | Yu. V. Vasilev, O. I. Platonov, A. G. Ryabko, L. Sh. Tsemekhman, S. P. Yatsenko |
Название | Simulation of ore deposits in DATAMINE operation environment for solving the applied problems of designing and improvement of activity of mining enterprises |
Авторы | +A. A. Bugaev, V. V. Ternovoy, A. V. Shamshev |
Название | Study of single-state and dual-stage routes of autoclave leaching of zink concentrates via mathematical simulation |
Авторы | E. M. Vigdorchik, Ya. M. Shneerson, E. E. Zhmarin, V. M. Shpaer |