“Obogashchenie Rud” (transl.: Mineral processing Journal) is the leading journal in the field of mineral processing, concentration processes and technological mineralogy. Published since 1956. Volume not less than 60 pages, 6 issues per year, circulation up to 600 copies. ISSN 0202-3776.

Mission of the journal is to elucidate innovative directions of development of mineral processing science and practice in Russia and abroad.

Publications cover different kinds of mineral and raw material resources: iron and non-ferrous ores, non-metallic mineral resources, technogenous materials. All spectrum of the processes and technologies applying for processing of these materials and ores is elucidated: crushing, comminution, classification, separation with usage of gravitational, electrostatic, magnetic, radiometric and other methods as well as flotation, pyro- and hydrometallurgy, sintering, filtration, thickening etc. The journal also publishes papers about development of the new equipment for mineral processing and crushing. Special sections are devoted to putting into practice and usage of up-to-date analytical methods for ores and products during mineral processing, provlems, problems and remedies of technological mineralogy. The field of development of automatic control systems in mineral processing, designing and engineering of mining and concentrating works (from large industrial complexes to mobile modular units) are observed. Especial attention is paid to environment protection measures, storage and utilization of wastes, ground reclamation. Applied investigations are added by prospective developments in the field of fundamental science. "Obogashchenie Rud" journal is an expert peer-review edition. It gives also information about national and international events for mineral processing specialists, where "Obogashchenie Rud" is an information partner or sponsor, as well as about scientific bodies and industrial enterprises operating in the field of mineral processing and personally about famous scientists and specialists.

According to the recent data (2023), “Obogashchenie Rud” journal has the following parameters:

• Quartile 2 (Scimago)

• SJR 0.354

• H index 15

Editorial board:
22th line 3, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russia
Phone/fax +7 812-324-89-45

E-mail: or@rudmet.ru

“Mekhanobr-Engineering” JSC
“Mekhanobr-Tekhnika” Scientific-Industrial Corporation
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"
"Ore and Metals” Publishing House

Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploration of Mineral Resources of RAS
State Hermitage Museum


Chief Editor — Konstantin G. Sazonov

Deputy Chief Editor — Ivan D. Ustinov

Deputy Chief Editor — Elena L. Chanturiya

Head of Editorial Board — Isaak I. Maksimov

Deputy Head of Editorial Board — Tatiana I. Yushina

Head of the Editorial Office — Elena A. Mayakova


Editorial council:
Aksenova G. Ya., C. Geol.-Miner., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Aleksandrova T. N., D. Eng. Prof., Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Arsentyev V. A., D. Eng., JSC “NPK “Mekhanobr-Tekhnika”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Baranov V. F., D. Eng., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Bazhin V. Yu., D. Eng., Assoc. Prof., Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Blekhman L. I., C. Eng., Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Brichkin V. N., D. Eng., Prof., Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Chanturiya E. L., D. Eng., Prof., National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia

Chanturiya V. A., D. Eng., Prof., Academician of RAS, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploration of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Gerasimov A. M., C. Eng., JSC “NPK “Mekhanobr-Tekhnika”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Karapetyan K. G., C. Chem., D. Eng., Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Kibirev V. I., C. Eng., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Kotova O. B., D. Geol.-Miner., Institute of Geology of Komi SС UB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia

Maksimov I. I., D. Eng., Prof., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Mayakova E. A., Head of the Editorial Office, Obogashchenie Rud Journal, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Mikhailova N. V., C. Eng., JSC “NPK “Mekhanobr-Tekhnika”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Pelevin A. E., D. Eng., Assoc. Prof., Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Petrov S. V., C. Geol-Miner., Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ryaboy V. I., D. Eng., Prof., JSC “Mekhanobr-Orgsintez-Reagent” (Mekhanobr-Organic Synthesis-Reagent), Saint Petersburg, Russia
Shenderovich E. M., C. Eng., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia;
Shekhirev D. V., C. Eng., Assoc. Prof., National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys", Moscow, Russia
Taranov V. A., C. Eng., JSC “Mekhanobr Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Titkov S. N., C. Eng., JSC "Galurgy Institute", Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ustinov I. D., D. Ch., JSC “NPK “Mekhanobr-Tekhnika”, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vorobiev A. G., Dr. Econ., Prof.,"Ore and Metals" Publishing House, Moscow, Russia

Yungmeister D. A., D. Eng., Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Yushina T. I., C. Eng., Assoc. Prof., Mining Institute of National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia

Foreign members of the editorial council:
Prof. Stanislaw Downorowicz, President of PK "Hydrogeometal", Lubin, Poland
Prof. Dr. Güven Önal, Mining faculty, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Dipl. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, Chairman of Scientific and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy", President of a “GEOTECHMIN” Holding, Sofia, Bulgaria

Prof., D. Eng., Pilov P. I., National Mining University (Dnepr, Ukraine)

Topic themes:

- Ore preparation
- Beneficiation technology
- Beneficiation processes

- Theory of processes
- Technological mineralogy
- Analytical methods in beneficiation processes
- Equipment
- Environmental technics and technology

- Complex raw matireal utilization

- Secondary raw matireal utilization
- Designing works
- Automatic control systems
- Experience of the enterprises
- Foreign experience
- Chronicle


Based on resolution of the Supreme Attestation Committee (VAK) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the journal is included in the “List of periodical and scientific-technical editions published in the Russian Federation, where publication of the main results of Doctor’s theses are recommended” for the theme of deposit development of solid mineral resources.

In 2013, the journal «Obogashchenie Rud» was included into the international bibliographic and abstract database Scopus, which is an instrument for tracking of scientific articles' citedness. The Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation considers the Scopus database as a criterion of estimation of efficiency of activity of higher education institutes.