ArticleName | Automated system for identifying and eliminating lining and coating defects in rotary kiln |
ArticleAuthor | Salikhov Z. G. |
ArticleAuthorData | National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia Z. G. Salikhov, Professor of the Chair “Computer Information and Management Systems of Automatics”, e-mail: |
Abstract | The article provides a detailed scientific and technical solution to the problem of reduction energy costs and increase profitability of material production (metal, cement and recycling industrial waste) in rotary kilns. Algorithms for diagnosis of possible emergencies in the technological unit were developed on the basis of the study of formation coating and its chips and the mathematical representation of tendencies of furnace lining defects growth. The mathematical model and algorithms for forming proactive control impact for preventing timely detected defects in the coatings and lining of the kiln without stopping its rotation and delivery of finished products were developed. The article describes the most advanced technological means, scanning thermal imager, fuel injectors with variable length and width of hot flame, the algorithms changing time and hit zones of gas and dust flare direction to area with detected coating and lining defects with the account of the trajectory of the defect growth in the rate of rotation of the furnace. The totality of all these innovations made possible to implement the authors' idea of creating a computer system capable of non-contact, continuous temperature control over the entire surface of rotary kiln, proactively identify defects in the coatings and lining of a furnace, and without stopping its rotation to prevent possible accidents, without reducing the quality and the number of end products. To eliminate revealed defect dust-gas-air mixture is supplied in the area of the defect with the temperature of the molten particles. The proposed system is energy efficient and can be used for its intended purpose in all industries. |
keywords | High-temperature furnace, automated system of identifying and eliminating defects in coatings and linings, elimination of defects without stopping the furnace |
References | 1. Salikhov Z. G., Salikhov K. Z. Sposob upravleniya protsessom obzhiga materiala vo vrashchayushcheysya pechi (Method of the process control of material roasting in rotary furnace). Patent RF, No. 2249775, MPK7 F 27 D 19/00, F 27 B 7/42. Applicant and patent holder is the Scientific and Ecological Enterprise “ECOSI”. No. 2001127272/03. Applied October 09, 2001. Published April 10, 2005. Bulletin No. 10. |
Language of full-text | russian |
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