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ArticleName Comparison of ore disintegration efficiency in the layer of particles, using the traditional apparatuses
ArticleAuthor Fedotov P. K.

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Chair of Minerals Concentration and Engineering Ecology, Irkutsk, Russia

P. K. Fedotov, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Minerals Concentration and Engineering Ecology, e-mail:


With the destruction of ore in the roller press size reduction takes place in a layer of material with the newly formed particles, act on each other, destroying nearby, with less potential energy. This process in the roller press is happening at a pressure of one press roll rotating synchronously second. The pressure is transferred to the particles inside layer of the material. It is proved that the process of interparticles destruction in its mechanism fully complies with the disintegration of particles in the piston press. In order to study the surround destruction layer of particles the author was decided to reproduce the individual processes with ore in the roller press through the use of a specially developed technique and hardware design. In the previous publications of the author presents the test capsule destruction (TCD), which was created in order to study the volumetric grinding in the piston press and analysis of energy consumption in the destruction of ore in the roller press. In order to compare the efficiency of the disintegration of ore at a high volume destruction of and according to the traditional method, studies were carried out its destruction with the help of simulation for ore preparation in the laboratory: traditional scheme of ore preparation, the use of TCD. To compare the efficiency have been identified indicators, on the methodology of Bond on the basis of which the calculated parameters (size, capacity) industrial ball mills for the grinding of the ore at the concentration plant with optimal cost of the electric power.

keywords Ore, Bond index, the disintegration, roller-press, microcracks, crushing, grinding, crack, selectivity, destruction

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Language of full-text russian
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