Journals →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2013 →  #5 →  Back

ArticleName The concept of forming the geoinformation system of a mining enterprise
ArticleAuthor Isachenko A. O., Mikhalevich D. S., Yunakov Yu. L.

Scientific-Engineering Enterprise "Geomark" LLC (Krasnoyarsk, Russia):

Isachenko A. O., Chief Engineer, e-mail:
Mikhalevich D. S., Prof., Dr. Eng.

Institute of Mining Matter, Geology and Geotechnology of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia):

Yunakov Yu. L., Head of the Chair of Land-Surveying Matter, Prof., Cand. Eng.


Studying and exploration of mining objects is accompanied with creation of information with special features, such as variability, continuity, succession, necessity of providing its safety, technological compatability, presence of attributive data about studying objects. Generated information is transforming in geoinformation systems of mining objects in time and in space.
The main principles of geoinformation systems are listed below:
- united computer-aided technology for collection, storage. processing and usage of mining-geological, technological, land-surveying, cadastral, ecological and economical information;
- usage of received information for effective management of mining production - from mining works to large companies, industrial branches and regions.
The principal scheme of operation of the corporate geoinformation system at the mining works is based on the basic module presenting a dynamical digital 3-D mining-geological model of a deposit. This basic module is forming on the base of information obtained at all stages of object examination: from exploring works to operation and liquidation of a mining object. Processing of exploring data, forming of geolofical and land-surveying data base, geological and land-surveying provision of mining operations, creation of 3-D topological model of mining excavations with their description and connection to geological medium, development and keeping the plans of mining graphic documents, working with regulatory-reference and technological documents of the mining enterprise can be considered as the main functional tasks of the geoinformation system at the mining enterprise.
The corporate geoinformation system allows to expand its functions via incorporating the new modules at any stage of deposit development. The paper describes the example of creation of corporate geoinformation system on the base of MapInfo Professional geoinformation system.

keywords Mining enterprise, deposit, development stage, geological and land-surveying provision, geoinformation system, software, technical equipping, modules, vectorization of information, regulatory-reference base, corporate geoinformation system
Language of full-text russian
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