Geology and development of oil and gas deposits | |
ArticleName | Neocomian sediments of Western Siberia south-east |
ArticleAuthor | V. N. Rostovtsev. |
Abstract | In spite of the powerful infrastructure, there is increasingly difficult for oil industry of Tomsk region to hold the bar for oil production at 12 mln. t. per year. This is connected with the fact that the southeastern part of Western Siberia have no deposits, prepared for the development, with large oil reserves. The development of oil fields with small reserves in a certain degree can not fundamentally help to solve the problem. This area has more than 150 thousand km2 of poorly studied or unpromising lands, (in terms of the 50-ies of last century), but they have not conducted search operations. There arises the question: is it possible for the existing mining companies to open the oil deposits with significant reserves of oil, in areas with developed infrastructure? As it is not paradoxical, a promising target for the opening of such oil and gas, are the poorly studied, but high-opportunity Neocomian deposits. The article gives an explanation for this thesis. |
keywords | Neocomian, oil, gas, reflecting horizons, searching, clinoforms, transgression, regression, layer, formation, paleotectonics |
Language of full-text | russian |
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