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ArticleName Systems of the dence bed pneumatic transport
ArticleAuthor Shishkin S. F., Maltsev V. A., Kataev A. V., Shishkin A. S.

Institute of Material Science and Metallurgy of Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia

S. F. Shishkin, Assistant Professor, e-mail:
V. A. Maltsev, Director
A. V. Kataev, Senior Lecturer
A. S. Shishkin, Assistant Professor


A wide experience in the development and implementation of dense bed pneumatic transport systems is cumulated by the specialists of a chair of Equipment and Automation of Silicate Productions (Ural Federal University). The calculation methods are created along with the development of various constructions and implementation of more than 130 lines of the dense bed pneumatic transport at the plants of Russian and foreign companies. Two various designs of dense bed pneumatic transport systems are developed. There is additionally installed the special aeration pipe, which has the small diameter openings, ranged with some step. In the first case, the aeration pipe is installed inside the transport pipe. In the second case, this pipe is installed outside the transport pipe. The supplement of compressed air to aeration and transport pipes is carried out separately. Such design makes it possible to maintain the steady motion mode of twophase flow at small speed and high concentration. Traditional calculation methods of pneumatic transport processes do not make it possible to determine the local parameters of two-phase flow by the length of transport pipe. That's why, a new calculation method is offered on the basis of gas dynamic functions. According to this, there is obtained the system of differential equations, which describes the motion of two-phase flow. The system of nonlinear differential equations needs to be solved for separate areas, with appropriate boundary conditions. Parameters of twophase flow at the beginning of the area should be equal to the parameters at the end of the previous area. The calculated dependencies are given for the definition of air consumption through aeration pipe openings. The obtained dependences make it possible to calculate the required diameter and number of holes at certain areas of pneumatic transport path. The dense bed pneumatic transport systems are supplied with reliable system of automatic equipment with the IP65 protection layer. The control is accomplished by means of programmable logical controller according to the programs, developed by the specialists of the chair. Local systems of automatic equipment are integrated at many factories by means of SCADA programs into the top level industrial control system. The implementation experience has shown the following main advantages:
— decreasing of specific consumption of compressed air by 2–4 times;
— increasing of productivity by 2–3 times;
— decreasing of air flow speed by 2–4 times and, as a result, decreasing of wear of transmission pipeline;
— exclusion of corks formation and increasing of reliability.

keywords Pneumatic transport, bulk material, alumina, pneumatic chamber pump, compressed air, concentration of material, systems of dense bed pneumatic transport, air consumption, excessive pressure

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Language of full-text russian
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