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ArticleName Determination of effective energy of activation, period of semi-grinding and grinding entropy in context of probabilistic theory of process
ArticleAuthor Malyshev V. P., Turdukozhayeva A. M.

Ural State Mining University (Russia):

Malyshev V. P., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

Turdukozhayeva A. M., Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

E-mail (common):


The probabilistic model of grinding elaborated by the authors, based on similarity to the theory of molecular collisions for irreversible successive reactions with unlimited stages, is applicable in analyzing the grinding process in the context of concepts used in chemistry and physics to describe energy of activation, half-life, entropy of mixing and dissipative structures in cases of non-linear deviation from equilibrium and self-organization. The energy of activation of disintegration of grains with balls determined through a constant value of the speed of grinding of the coarsest (primary) size based on one or several test runs, may thereafter be used to calculate for other sizes, as well as to provide case-by-case description of grinding resistance in comparing it for different materials. More direct parameters of grindability may offered by the so-called half-time period, determined through a constant of the process speed for a specific size range and providing an indication of the length of half-time disintegration of the feed beginning at any point in time. Entropy of mixing of sizes produced in grinding overtime is characterized by steady reduction down to the limits in line with formation of lognormal size distribution by content. It shows the emergence of self-organization processes in a chaotic mechanical system of balls and grains in a cyclic motion and exposure of grains to the energy of impacts of balls, under the effect of resistance forces of the activation and steric (spacial) factors.

keywords Grinding, molecular theory, collision, kinetics, grinding ball mill, energy of activation, half-time period, entropy of grinding

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Language of full-text russian
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