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ArticleName Application of Mathematical Model for Support of Crystal Growth Process in Multizone Thermal Installations
ArticleAuthor M. M. Philippov, A. I. Gribenyukov, V. E. Ginsar, Yu. V. Babushkin

Institute of monitoring climatic and ecological system:

M. M. Philippov

A. I. Gribenyukov

V. E. Ginsar
Yu. V. Babushkin


A system for control of crystal growth process in the multizone thermal installation with an integrated mathematical model is developed. Experimental information on both temperature distribution and powers of the heating elements as well as calculation data about the form of crystallization front have been used as input information for the control system. Consecutive correction of controller setpoints of multizone thermal installation during crystal growth process based on calculated data is aiming at deviation reduction between crystal growth rate and container moving rate.

keywords Multizone thermal installation, Bridgman method, crystal growth, growth striation, crystallization front, crystal growth rate, simulation model, thermal field

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Language of full-text russian
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