ArticleName |
Mini-metallurgy of full cycle on the basis of the spray-emulsion
metallurgical process SER — from ore to steel |
ArticleAuthor |
V. P. Tsymbal, S. P. Mochalov, A. A. Olennikov, A. M. Ognev |
ArticleAuthorData |
Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia):
V. P. Tsymbal, S. P. Mochalov, A. A. Olennikov
JSC “Sibelectroterm” (Novosibirsk, Russia):
A. M. Ognev |
Abstract |
This article describes the state of the industry in some countries, including Russia. The problem of development of a regional industry has been discussed at the meeting of the companies in the field of metal processing in Novosibirsk. In this regard, the processes of direct solid reduction (Midrex, HyL-3), the solid- and liquid-phase process Corex are observed. The main attention is paid to the spray-emulsion metallurgical process (SER), featuring high speed flow of physical and chemical processes, low specific volume of metallurgical units, low power consumption and low capital costs. This process is completely closed to the atmosphere and has an internal stimulus for motion of the working mixture in a reactor with a gas-dynamic locking oscillator. Implementation of metal direct reduction technologies is connected with transformation of tail gas into energetic gas or synthesis gas, so the process can be executed completely smokeless. This new continuous metallurgical process and the unit for its realization were developed according to the classical principle of modern high technologies: conceptual and theoretical statement of the problem, creation of physical-chemical and mathematical models, methods and systems for engineering calculations of technological and designing parameters, physical simulation, testing of separate process and unit components in the production environment, designing and construction of large-scale automatic experimental unit setup for development of various technological options. |
keywords |
Spray-emulsion metallurgical process, system of skull cooling, hot-water boiler, physical simulation,
self-organization, mini-metallurgy, slag trap, slag granulator |
References |
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Full content |
Mini-metallurgy of full cycle on the basis of the spray-emulsion
metallurgical process SER — from ore to steel |