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ArticleName Research of salt rocks gas content of potash layer in the Krasnoslobodsky mine field
ArticleAuthor Andreyko S. S., Ivanov O. V., Nesterov E. A., Golovatiy I. I., Beresnev S. P.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

Andreyko S. S., Head of laboratory, Dr Eng, e-mail:

Ivanov O. V., Senior Researcher, PhD Eng

Nesterov E. A., Junior Researcher, Phone: +7 (342) 216-58-42


“Belaruskali” ОJSC, Soligorsk, Republic of Belarus:

Golovatiy I. I., Chief Engineer, Phone: +375 (174) 29-84-56

Beresnev S. P., Head of Mining Department, Phone: +7 (10-375-174) 29-84-95


The article reports the data of experimental studies into gas content of Potash Salt Horizon 3 put on production in Krasnoslobodsky Mine belonging in Mine Group-2 of Belaruskali OJSC. The gas content of Potash Salt Horizon 3 is quantitatively estimated in terms of free and occluded gas, and chemical composition of free gas is analyzed.

keywords Potash horizon, sylvinite layer, clay–carnallite unit, gas content of rocks, free gas, chemical composition.

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Full content Research of salt rocks gas content of potash layer in the Krasnoslobodsky mine field