Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
ArticleName | Modern direction of development of scientific standardization |
ArticleAuthor | M. A. Polyakova, G. Sh. Rubin |
ArticleAuthorData | Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Polyakova M. A., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof., Chair of Mechanical and Metallurgical Process Engineering, e-mail: |
Abstract | The analysis of the current state of standardization proved the absence of its scientifi c basis. The paper justifi es the use of function-oriented method for identifying relations between customer requirements and product properties. It is proposed to use the term «protypology» to define the science of standardization. According to the protypology the main standard development stages are: the development of customer requirements as a set of properties characte rized by their measurable indicators, establishing harmonization between customer requirements and product properties controlled by the manufacturer; a close match of the manufacturer and the consu mer positions and the development of the standards as an acceptable compromise for both parties. It is shown that the following tasks are the basic ones for standardization in the field of metallurgy at present time: arrangement and systematization of information in standard and technical documents; unification of a massif of standard and technical documents for specifi ed sort of products; development of methodical grounds taking into account putting into practice innovations and modernization of metallurgical production facilities (i.e. standardization should be really ahead). It is concluded that it's impossible to transfer national metallurgical industry to up-to-date technological conditions in optimal terms without solving the problem of scientifi c standardization, though it is unusual and complicated problem. |
keywords | Standardization, scientifi c fundamentals, production properties, consumer requirements, production manufacturer, harmonization, functionally-oriented method, protypology, metallurgical industry |
References | 1. Glazev S. Avtorizovannyy tekst doklada «Modernizatsiya: tekhnologicheskiy, makroekonomicheskiy, institutsionalnyy aspekty» na plenarnom zasedanii godovoy konferentsii “Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Assotsiatsiya “Obrazovanie, nauka i modernizatsiya” (Authorized text of a report “Modernization: technological, macroeconomic, institution aspects” on plenary session of annual conference “New Economic Association “Education, science and modernization”). Available at: (accessed: January 20, 2014). |
Language of full-text | russian |
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