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ArticleName Simulation and optimization of parameters of sulfuric acid leaching of zinc-containing middlings of two-stage waelz processing of zinc cakes
ArticleAuthor Panshin A. M., Mamyachenkov S. V., Anisimova O. S., Kulenova N. A., Khodyko I. I.

JSC “UMMC-Holding”, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia:

A. M. Panshin, Technical Director


Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia:
S. V. Mamyachenkov, Professor, e-mail:
O. S. Anisimova, Assistant Professor, Chair of Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy

D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan:

N. A. Kulenova, Professor, Head of Metallurgy Chair


JSC “Elektrozinc”, Vladikavkaz, Russia:

I. I. Khodyko, Executive Officer


Optimization and simulation of results of laboratory experiments on leaching of calcined Waelz oxide with sulfuric acid and circulating electrolyte allowed to formulate the conditions of maximum transfer of zinc into productive solution. Using the computer program Statistica-7, the obtained data were processed in the form of models. Extraction rate of impurities in the solution depends on the zinc:acid ratio: with stoichiometric ratio of 1:1, zinc and iron hydrocompounds, inhibiting impurities output, are formed on the surface of Waelz-oxide particles. Dissolution of the film of reaction products, removing internal diffusion limitations, is observed with zinc:acid ratio of 1:1.2. Dependence of copper recovering on pH, duration and zinc:acid ratios in all series is characterized by initial induction period for the first 30 minutes of leaching. With a surface layer of iron cations (III), having oxidizing properties, equilibrium shifts towards copper cations Cu2+. According to this, significant amount of these cations appear in the solution. Reaching pH > 3, part of iron (Fe (III)) forms a basic salt solution and ferrous hydroxide, reducing its concentration. Formation of two fractions in the cake after leaching is substantiated by various mechanism of crystallization of calcium and lead sulphate; calcium sulfate phase is formed in the bulk solution, while lead sulfate phase is crystallized on Waelz oxide surface. At the same time, lead sulfate phase creates a film and increases both volume and density of residual cake particles. Microspectroscopic analysis showed that composition of fine fraction is dominated by zinc and calcium sulfates, whereas part of coarse fraction contains residual zinc oxide and lead sulphate. Iron, copper and arsenic oxides were found in the form of impurities (within 1%) in composition of fine and coarse fractions.

keywords Optimization, modeling, leaching, calcined Waelz oxide, productive solution, fraction, cake, calcium sulfate, lead sulfate, X-ray microanalysis

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