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ArticleName Minimal wage as an institution of labor and metal products market. Part 1
ArticleAuthor Kotlyar B. A.

TsNOTORGMET Consulting-Analytical Center, Moscow, Russia:

B. A. Kotlyar, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail:


This article shows the reasonability of setting of optional minimal wage standard in sectoral tariff agreement on the basis of information analysis of mining and metallurgical enterprises. Minimal wage is an institute of both regional labor market and metal products market. Significant differences of basic rate values of minimal wage and average wage on industrial enterprises are shown together with necessity of increasing of capital intensity and labor productivity. Optimization of minimal wage and average wage ratio (Kaitz index) corresponds to improvement of stimulation role of labor renumeration. There is offered the accounting of ratio of Kaitz index and part of basic rate of main production first class worker in minimal wage with its definition in collective agreements of enterprises. Worker’s wage at minimal wage level is labor renumeration (time, practice, results), which definition (as well as in other cases of wage determination) brings employer to meeting the requirements of Labor Code of Russian Federation (provision of equal wage for equal labor). According to this, imperative version of minimal wage for all mining and metallurgical enterprises is illegal. There was defined the value of improvement of organization, wage and measurement of labor of low-qualified workers and social support of low income workers’ families for stability of social-labor relationships.

keywords Labor market, metal product market, minimal wage, average wage, Kaitz index, living-wage, labor productivity

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Language of full-text russian
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