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ArticleName Assessment of formation of innovation territorial-production clusters as a method of forecasting of nuclear energy-industrial complex development
ArticleAuthor Nosova S. S., Putilov A. V., Vorobev A. G.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia:

S. S. Nosova, Professor of a Chair No. 511, e-mail:


National Research Nuclear University MEPhI1 (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia; Journal “Tsvetnye Metally”2, Moscow, Russia:

A. V. Putilov, Professor, Dean of a Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies1, Chief Editor2, e-mail:


National Research Nuclear University MEPhI1 (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia; “Ore and Metals” Publishing House3, Moscow, Russia:

A. G. Vorobev, Professor, Head of a Chair of Economics1,Chief Editor3


This article considers the innovation territorial-production clusters as a totality of the enterprises and organizations (participants of cluster), placed on limited territory, which is characterized by the following factors: — presence of scientific and production chain in one or several industries (key types of economic activity), uniting the cluster participants; and mechanism of coordination of activity and cooperation of cluster participants; — obtaining of synergetics effect by increase of efficiency of economics and activity of every enterprise or organization due to the increase of their concentration and co-operation degree. It is suggested to consider the clusters as an instrument of activation of innovative activity in atomic-power complex, which role consists of raw material provision of scale development of energy production, unconnected with organic fuel. Cluster approach in economic development is examined as a method of crossing of branch and territorial management of national economy. An “economic cross” concept, uniting the crossing lifecycle of nuclear energy resources and nuclear power units, is offered as a “nuclear clusters” forecasting method. On the basis of experience of formation of territorial-production clusters, there can be proved the long-term growth of nuclear power. There is additionally reasoned the idea of creation of innovation clusters as conditions of improvement of competitiveness of national economy and the basis of strategy of social-economic development of many Russian Federation subjects. There is shown the applicability of international experience of use of cluster approach in Russia and implementation of cluster policy, with some adaptation of its substantial part.

keywords Innovations, cluster, nuclear energy resources, nuclear powergenerating units, competitiveness, innovative attractiveness, cluster policy, innovative development of region, innovative processes, social-economic development, regional innovation system, national economics

1. Available at: (in Russian).
2. Putilov A. V., Vorobev A. G. Printsipy formirovaniya “ekonomicheskogo kresta” v prognozirovanii razvitiya atomnogo energopromyshlennogo kompleksa (Principles of formation of “economic cross” in forecasting of development of nuclear energy industrial complex). Ekonomika v promyshlennosti = Economics in industry. 2013. No. 1. p. 37.
3. Hermann Simon. Skrytye chempiony 21 veka. Strategiya uspekha neizvestnykh liderov mirovogo rynka (Hidden Champions of the 21st Century: Success Strategies of Unknown World Market Leaders). Translated. Moscow : KNORUS, 2015. 240 p.
4. Available at: (in Russian).
5. Programma razvitiya innovatsionnogo territorialnogo klastera “Novye materialy, lazernye i radiatsionnye tekhnologii” (Troitsk) (Program of development of innovation territorial cluster “new materials, laser and radiation technologies” (Troitsk)). Available at: (in Russian).
6. Territorialnyy innovatsionnyy klaster yaderno-fizicheskikh i nanotekhnologiy v gorode Dubne Moskovskoy oblasti (Territorial innovation cluster of nuclearphysical technologies and nanotechnologies in Dubna (Moscow Oblast)). Available at: (in Russian).
7. Available at: (in Russian).

Language of full-text russian
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