Journals →
Eurasian mining →
2014 →
#2 →
ArticleName | Managerial and engineering support of open pit mine production phase I at V. Grib Mining and Processing Combine |
ArticleAuthor | Paley L. M. |
ArticleAuthorData | Arkhangelskgeoldobycha: Paley L. M., Acting Chief Mechanic, e-mail: |
Abstract | The article describes the organizational and engineering package aimed to prepare and start the initial phase of open pit mining at the V. Grib Mining and Processing Combine — openingup of the diamond deposit in complicated mining-and-geological and mine-technical conditions. The author describes the accepted mining and transport equipment, the mining technology, maintenance and repair management and staffing. |
keywords | initial mining phase, open pit mine, mining machines, motor roads, opening-up a deposit, repair service, personnel |
Language of full-text | english |
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