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ArticleName Conservation as the method of disposal areas reclamation under climatic conditions in the south of the Russia’s Far East
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.01.15
ArticleAuthor Grekhnev N. I., Lipina L. N.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Grekhnev N. I.
Company: Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk, Russia)
Work Position: Head of laboratory
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Contacts: e-mail:


Author 2:
Name & Surname: Lipina L. N.
Company: Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk, Russia)
Work Position: Researcher
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Development of the Russia’s Far East has been for nearly 200 years connected mainly with mining of metallic ore in deposits (Sn, Pb, W, Zn, Ag etc.) and placers (Au, Pt etc), some kinds of chemicals (fluorite, borosilicates), energy resources (black coal and lignite) and building materials. In the late 1990s the Far East held over tens large mining-and-processing integrated works, hundreds of mines extracting placer gold, various minerals and building materials [1]. Mining and processing activity has resulted in huge accumulations of waste in the form of overburden and low-grade ore dumps and, above all, vast tailings storage areas that are the source of the chemical pollution of the environment. The article discusses a method of reclamation of the disposal area resulted from processing of complex sulfide and silicate ore towards mitigation of chemical pollution and conservation of valuable components contained in tailings. The main agents of humid technogenesis are considered oxygenenriched rainfalls that induce chemical processes and transform primary sulfides in oxidized groups, including soluble sulfate minerals.

keywords Tailings storage, geochemical transformation, environment, chemical pollution, toxic elements, acid environment, humid technogenesis

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Language of full-text russian
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