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ArticleName Increasing of stability of investment projects in atomic energetics
ArticleAuthor Guseva A. I., Koptelov M. V., Svyatov A. S.

Chair of Economics and Management in Industry, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia:

A. I. Guseva, Professor, e-mail:

M. V. Koptelov, Post-Graduate student

A. S. Svyatov, MA course student


The article describes the basic formation preconditions of global nuclear fuel market. The companies-suppliers and regions-consumers are shown as the main market participants. The relevance of development of integration processes in nuclear fuel market was marked. This article reveals the Russian role in this area and major initiatives of Russian Government. There were defined the issues about establishment of international integration organizations, providing the services of the front end of nuclear cycle. The article considers the initiatives and examples of such organizations. The main mission of these organizations is to provide a guaranteed fuel supply for NPP in the countries, which do not possess relevant technologies. This article also deals with such issues as the effect of different risk groups on nuclear power projects, which leads both to increasing of interest in nuclear power usage in the world, and reduction of risks for the supplier of reactor technologies. Particular attention is paid to the project technological risks and nuclear regulatory risk. Provision of guaranteed fuel supply has the most noticeable effect on these risk groups. Improvement of sustainability of investment nuclear projects requires to pay attention to a wide range of risks. Calculations for the project of construction of two nuclear power units with VVER-1000 (ВВЭР-1000) reactors in the Asia-Pacific region were carried out on the basis of original methodology. There are considered the pessimistic, realistic and optimistic scenarios. On the basis of results, there was made a conclusion that the investment project sustainability is improved by guaranteed fuel supply.

keywords NPP construction, nuclear fuel cycle, guaranteed uranium reserve, international organizations, investment project, risk minimization, economic efficiency, software toolkit

1. Koptelov M. V., Guseva A. I. Osobennosti opredeleniya riskov v investitsionnykh proektakh stroitelstva atomnykh elektrostantsiy (Peculiarities of risk definition in investment projects of construction of nuclear power plants). Atomnaya energiya = Atomic Energy. 2013. Vol. 115, Iss. 3. pp. 170–176. 

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3. Putilov A. V., Vorobev A. G., Timokhin D. V., Razorenov M. Yu., Myakota E. A. Metody sovershenstvovaniya prognozirovaniya razvitiya energosnabzheniya mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh (Methods of improvement of development forecast of power supply of mineral deposits). Tsvetnye Metally = Non-ferrous metals. 2014. No. 2. pp. 9–15. 

4. Dekusar V. M., Egorov A. F., Kalashnikov A. G., Korobeynikov V. V., Korobitsyn V. E., Moseev A. L., Moseev P. A. Modelirovanie raboty mezhdunarodnogo yadernogo toplivnogo tsentra po predostavleniyu uslug stranam blizhnego zarubezhya (Modeling of operation of international nuclear fuel center on services' rendering by near abroad countries). Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya energetika = Proceedings of Universities. Nuclear Power. 2014. No. 1. pp. 121–135. 

5. Putilov A. V., Vorobev A. G., Timokhin D. V., Razorenov M. Yu. Ispolzovanie metoda “ekonomicheskogo kresta” v raschetakh potrebnosti yadernogo topliva dlya razvitiya atomnoy energetiki (Use of “economic cross” method in calculations of requirement of nuclear fuel for development of nuclear energetics). Tsvetnye Metally = Non-ferrous metals. 2013. No. 9. pp. 18–26. 

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7. Koptelov M. V., Guseva A. I. Metodika i instrumentariy dlya opredeleniya otsenki effektivnosti investitsionnykh proektov stroitelstva atomnykh elektrostantsiy s uchetom pofaktornogo opredeleniya riskov (Method and instruments for definition of assessment of efficiency of investment projects of construction of nuclear power plants, taking into account the factorial definition of risks). Audit i finansovyy analiz = Audit and financial analysis. 2014. No. 4. pp. 257–263. 

8. Koptelov M. V., Guseva A. I., Vardanyan A. A. Programmnoe prilozhenie dlya rascheta ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti investitsionnykh proektov stroitelstva atomnykh elektrostantsiy s primeneniem kumulyativnogo podkhoda otsenki riskov. Svidetelstvo o gosudarstvennoy registratsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii, programmy dlya elektronno-vychislitelnoy mashiny No. 2014612235 (Program application for calculation of economic efficiency of investment projects of nuclear power plant construction with application of cumulative approach of risk assessment. Registration certificate of Russian Federation of the computer program No. 2014612235). Russian Patent. 2014. 

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Language of full-text russian
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