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National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”
ArticleName Optimization of processing methods of low-temperature roasting of molybdenite concentrate with sodium chloride
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.03.04
ArticleAuthor Aleksandrov P. V., Medvedev A. S., Vlasenko A. N.

Chair of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia:

P. V. Aleksandrov, Senior Researcher, e-mail:

A. S. Medvedev, Professor

A. N. Vlasenko, Master's Degree Student


In the last years, the range of countries have increased their interest to the methods of processing of sulfide raw materials, based on low-temperature roasting with alkaline metal chlorides. There were researched the applications of the given method for processing of copper, nickel and complex concentrates. National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” also carried out the researches of possibility of application of low-temperature chlorination object with alkaline metal chlorides for processing of sulfide raw materials of nonferrous and rare metals. Three types of molybdenum-containing products are formed as a result of roasting: gaseous (chlorides and oxygen-chlorides), water-soluble (molybdates of sodium and impurity metals) and leachable NaOH (molybdenum trioxide). The first type of products carries out the recovery, condensation and dissolution in alkali. Cinder is exposed to double-stage leaching: firstly water leaching, than alkali leaching. There was researched the influence of modes of low-temperature roasting of molybdenite concentrates with sodium chloride on molybdenum distribution by roasting products. There were defined the optimal modes of roasting and leaching, when the summary extraction of molybdenum in gaseous phase and cinder leaching solution is ~99%. There was made a definition that preliminary grinding of roasted mixture allows to decrease the formation of floating compounds of molybdenum during roasting. On the basis of obtained data, there was offered the principal technological scheme of processing of molybdenite concentrates withobtaining of marketable product (calcium molybdate). 

This article was prepared within the fulfillment of strategic program of development of Engineering Center “Center of Engineering of Industrial Technologies” (National University of Science and Technologies “MISiS”), realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.

keywords Molybdenite concentrate, low-temperature roasting, sodium chloride, gaseous phase, optimal conditions

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