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Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University
ArticleName Metallographic studies of mesostructure order of plazma oxide coating
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.03.12
ArticleAuthor +Barvinok V. A. , Bogdanovich V. I., Marin S. B., Dokukina I. A.

Chair of Aircraft Production and Quality Management in Mechanical Engineering, Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia:

+Barvinok V. A.

V. I. Bogdanovich, Professor

I. A. Dokukina, Assistant Professor


Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia:

S. B. Marin, Professor, e-mail:


Details of hot gas path of gas-turbine engines are in the most complex temperature exploitation conditions. According to this, their working capacity loss happens because of high-temperature gas corrosion of surface with following development of inter-crystal corrosion and fatigue cracks. Breaking of fatigue cracks' growth can be provided by special covering of detail surface with ordered structure. This article gives the results of researches of the structure of meso-ordered plasma coatings, sprayed from close-cut fraction powders on the modes, optimal for this fraction. Metallic and ceramic powders were used for the researches. Control of spraying modes gives the possibility to realize the mesostructure order of sprayed coatings, excluding the formation of continuous columnar structures, penetrating the whole coating thickness. At the same time, there was succeeded to realize the formation of nanocolumnar structures in subsurface layer for each individual disc cluster of the structure. These structures provide the decrement of connections between clusters with alternating power and thermal loads of details with coatings. There is made an offer to use a quantitative criterion (ratio of mesostructure order of coating) for assessment of formed ordered structure quality. This ratio is based on the software image processing from the coatings' section. There is offered the method of quantitative assessment of order of coatings' structure, making possible to increase the imformation content of metallographic section research results, to exclude the visual assessment subjectivity and to give a quantitative assessment of the coating quality.

keywords Gas turbine engine, plasma coatings, structure, mesostructural order, quantitative assessment method, quality

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Language of full-text russian
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