Название |
Automation and control equipment developed by RIVS for mineral processing industry |
Информация об авторе |
RIVS Science and Production Association:
Zimin A. V., General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: A_Zimin@rivs.ru
Bondarenko A. V., Head of Analytical Center, Deputy General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: A_Bondarenko@rivs.ru
Trushin A. A., Director of Automation Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: A_Trushin@rivs.ru |
Реферат |
RIVS Science and Production Association sees its mission in planning and turnkey construction of mineral processing plants, and the design of automation equipment and systems is the priority area of activity. This paper reviews the prime operating results of the company in the specified area. In the highlight is improvement of manufactured facilities belonging mainly in low-level automation, and design of new automation equipment and control systems. The authors exemplify implementation of the develop automation equipment and systems and various process machines. The emphasis is made on sampling and analytical control of process flows. The structure of the automated analytical pulp control system, including operational and inventory sampling, as well as X-ray fluorescent analysis and methodical–mathematical, metrological and program support is described. The discussion involves the concept and algorithm of automatic control of flotation, accounting for grades of ore under treatment. The authors point at the promising application of basic provisions of the statistic control theory based on Shewhart cards in mineral dressing process control. Capabilities of automated analytical control of recycled water being one of the most important factors that influence flotation efficiency are discussed. Finally, the authors draw a conclusion on continuing development of low-level and local automation equipment, considering the concept of unified control over mineral dressing process proposed by RIVS Science and Production Association. |
Библиографический список |
1. Zimin A. V. Zakrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo «Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie “RIVS» — itogi i dostizheniya (JSC “Scientific Production Association “RIVS” — results and achievements). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2012. No. 11. pp. 4–5. 2. Trushin A. A., Sedov A. V., Lyubichenko A. A., Nikandrov I. S. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya protsessa flotatsii proizvodstva Zakrytogo Aktsionernogo Obshchestva «Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie “RIVS» (Systems of automatic regulation of flotation process of works of JSC “Scientific Production Association “RIVS”). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2010. No. 10. pp. 69–74. 3. Bondarenko A. V. Variant razvitiya avtomaticheskikh sistem analiticheskogo kontrolya pulp (Method of development of automatic systems of analytical control of pulps). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2010. No. 10. pp. 75–80. 4. Bondarenko A. V., Nikan drov I. S. , Andreev D. S. «Osobennosti razrabotki RF-kompleksa dlya avtomaticheskogo expressnogo analiza pulp. Tezisy dokladov naychno-practicheskoi konferencii «Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie «RIVS» (Features of development of the RF-express complex for automatic analysis of pulps. Abstracts of the scientific-practical «Scientific Production Association «RIVS»). Saint Petersburg. 2014. p. 41. 5. Donald J. Wheeler, David S. Chambers. Statisticheskoe upravlenie protsessami. Optimizatsiya biznesa s ispolzovaniem kontrolnykh kart Shukharta (Understanding Statistical Process Control). Translated from English. Moscow : Alpina Business Books, 2009. p. 409. 6. Plekhanov Yu. V., Khmaro V. V., Bondarenko A. V. et al. O sozdanii i ispytaniyakh avtomatizirovannoy sistemy analiticheskogo kontrolya gidrometallurgicheskikh i khimicheskikh protsessov (About creation and tests of automated system of analytical control of hydrometallurgical and chemical processes). Tezis doklada Pervoy Vserossiyskoy Konfe rentsii «Analiticheskie pribory» (Thesis of report of the First All-Russian Conference “Analytical instruments”). Saint Petersburg : Scientific-Research Institute of Chemistry of Saint Petersburg State University, 2002, pp. 144–145. 7. Bondarenko A. V., Gorshkov Yu. V., Karamyshev N. I. et al. K sozdaniyu avtomaticheskikh sistem analiticheskogo kontrolya i ekologicheskogo monitoringa (To the creation of automatic systems of analytical control and ecological monitoring). Tezis doklada Vtoroy Vserossiyskoy Konferentsii «Analiticheskie pribory» (Thesis of report of the Second All-Russian Conference “Analytical instruments”). Saint Petersburg : Korona-Print, 2005, pp. 45–46. 8. Bondarenko A. V., Ermakov S. S., Litinskiy A. V. Avtomati cheskoe ekspressnoe opredelenie nizkikh kontsentratsiy elementov v gidrometallurgicheskikh rastvorakh (Automatic express definition of low concentrations of elements in hydrometallurgical solutions). Tezis doklada Tretey Vserossiyskoy Konferentsii «Analiticheskie pribory». Sbornik «Tendentsii razvitiya analiticheskogo priborostroeniya» (Thesis of report of the Third All-Russian Conference “Analytical instruments”. Collection: “Tendencies of development of analytical instrument engineering”). Saint Petersburg : Russkaya Klassika, 2008, pp. 132–133. |