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To the 100-th anniversary of Academician Viktor V. Kafarov
ArticleName Optimization of unit setting of processes of high-temperature hard-alloy material synthesis
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.04.12
ArticleAuthor Dvoretskiy S. I., Dvoretskiy D. S., Stelmakh L. S., Stolin A. M.

Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia:

S. I. Dvoretskiy, Pro-Rector on Scientific-Innovation Activity
D. S. Dvoretskiy, Head of a Chair of Technologies and Equipment of Food and Chemical Industries


Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia:
L. S. Stelmakh, Leading Researcher
A. M. Stolin, Head of Laboratory of Plastic Deformation of Materials


Technologies of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) are rapidly gaining popularity due to considerable advantages over their alternatives (furnace and plasma chemical synthesis, baking and hot compaction, molding and hard-surfacing, etc.). These technologies are implementation of natural heat energy; simplicity and reliability of unit settings for the process of SHS compaction because of absence of external heat sources; high process speed, resulting from the self-heating of charge in a combustion wave; layer-wise heat evolution and, consequently, a possibility to increase the process equipment capacity. In SHS compaction, hard-alloy materials are formed in a short period of time (t = [0,5…15] s) at high temperature t = [2000…3000] oС) and pressure (P = 100 MPa). In this case, a high temperature gradient in mould cylindrical wall (as well as thermoelastic stress) is the result of uneven thermal loadings and non-stationary mode of heat conductivity process. Using a mathematical model of processes of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) of hard-alloy materials and their compaction (SHS-compaction), an original method of cost-efficient analysis of unit settings for these processes was developed, which allows to reduce the consumption rate of structural material for tooling and industrial equipment by 25% on average. A one-stage problem of stochastic optimization of unit setting of SHS-compaction process of hard-alloy materials brands STIM-2A and STIM-2/30N was defined and solved under the interval uncertainty of speed and furnace feed temperature. Press mold structure with minimal structural material consumption rate was designed, which provides the quality production of hard-alloy materials STIM-2A and STIM-2/30N regardless of random changes in uncertain parameters of SHS-compaction process (combustion speed and temperature) within the given limits.

keywords Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, hard-alloy materials, compaction, unit setting, thermoelastic loadings, temperature profile, modeling, optimization, uncertainty

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Language of full-text russian
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