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ArticleName Sorption of Cr (VI) and V (V) ions by new nitrogen-containing ionite
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.12.11
ArticleAuthor Ergozhin E. E., Chalov T. K., Khakimbolatova K. Kh., Nikitina A. I.

JSC “Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov”, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan:

E. E. Ergozhin, Chief Executive Officer, Head of Laboratory of Ion-exchange Resins and Membranes
T. K. Chalov, Chief Researcher
K. Kh. Khakimbolatova, Senior Researcher, e-mail:
A. I. Nikitina, Leading Researcher


The great advantages of application of ion-exchange sorption for galvanic waste purification are the possibilities of high extraction ratio of Cr (VI) and V (V), corresponding to modern requirements, and return of purified water and Cr (VI) and V (V) salts in production. In connection with this, development of new efficient sorbents for extraction of the considered metal ions is urgent. A new nitrogen-containing grid-type structure ionite with static exchange capacity of 4.8 mg-eq/g by 0.1 mole/l of HCl solution was obtained by polycondensation of glicidil-formed benzylamine, allylglicidil ether and polyethylenimine. There was researched the sorption of Cr (VI) and V (V) ions by ionite in OH-shape in static conditions from standard test solutions with various concentrations of K2Cr2O7 and NH4VO3 and pH values, and with various time of their contact with sorbent. Adsorptive capacity was calculated by the difference of initial and equilibrium solution concentrations, defined by classic polarography on 0.1 mole/l of KOH solution. Dependence of adsorptive capacity of ion-exchanger by Cr (VI) ions on pH of K2Cr2O7 solution is extremal (maximum at pH = 4.5). The better absorption of V (V) ions by sorbent is at pH = 1.8. In the considered conditions, adsorptive capacity of polyelectrolyte by Cr (IV) and V (V) ions equals to 343.2 and 585.6 mg/g, respectively. Investigation of kinetic properties of synthesized ionite has shown that the equilibrium state during Cr (VI) and V (V) ion sorption is reached for 3.0 and 0.5 hours, respectively. According to Cr (VI) and V (V) ions, the sorption ability of new nitrogen-containing polymer is considerably higher than the sorption ability of industrial anionites AMP (АМП), AM-p (АМ-п) and ampholite VP-14K (ВП-14К).

keywords Nitrogen-containing ionite, sorption, potassium bichromate, ammonium metavanadate, adsorptive capacity, chromium, vanadium

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