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ArticleName Properties of copper-based cast microwires, obtained by ultrafast liquid quenching
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.12.16
ArticleAuthor Masaylo D. V., Peskov T. V., Sufiyarov V. Sh.

Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

D. V. Masaylo, Leading Engineer, e-mail:
V. Sh. Sufiiarov, Leading Researcher

Central Research Institute of Structural Materials “Prometey”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

T. V. Peskov, Leading Engineer


This paper shows the researches of physical-mechanical and electrophysical properties of cast microwires in copper-based glass insulation. Their obtaining technology is described, concluding in high-frequency flash metal smelting with following filling of capillary, pulled out of the softened glass tube, and its active quenching with rates up to 106 K–1. Glass insulation is the basic carrier constituent of microwires with diameter of under 40 μm. The place of break is brittle rupture. The break of glass insulation for copper microwires with conductor diameter over 40 μm does not lead to the break of microwire, and, at the certain loads, causes the plastic flow of metallic conductor. A local narrowing (neck) is formed on the place of break. There were designed the stress diagrams in glass insulation and in the “metal-glass” system, appearing during quenching and thermal shrinkage, respectively. Modernized polariscope helped to define the stresses in glass insulation for various ratios of microwire diameter to conductor diameter by measurement of double refraction of plane-polarized light. Recommendations for optimal ratio of glass and conductor diameters were defined from the point of view of mechanical characteristics of copper alloy microwire. This ratio is within 1.15–1.27. Alloying with small amount of chromium (not more than 1% (wt.)) increases the mechanical characteristics of copper microwire without electrophysical degradation.

keywords Microwire, copper, alloying, glass isolation, thermal expansion coefficient, electrophysical and mechanical properties

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