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ArticleName Features and practice of WTO regulation (on the example of domestic metallurgy)
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2015.01.05
ArticleAuthor A. V. Putilov, P. A. Vorsina, Yu. V. Chernyakhovskaya, M.V. Bugaenko.

National research nuclear university “MEPhI” (Moscow, Russia):

A. V. Putilov, Dr. Eng., Professor, Dean of the Department, e-mail:

Yu. V. Vorsina, Post-graduate
M. V. Bugaenko, Cand. Econ., Assistant

Rosatom state corporation (Moscow, Russia):

Yu. V. Chernyakhovskaya, Cand. Econ., Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the International Business Department


Abstract. Characteristics of modern trends in the development of the WTO and some practical features of its regulation on the example of Russian metallurgy are considered . The estimations of experts for development of domestic metallurgy before and after Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization are discussed. The analysis of consequent effect of Russia’s accession to the WTO on labour compensation and changes in metal production is submitted. Data on average weighted rates of the Russian contracts on commodity groups for metal products and changes in the tariff protection of the Russian Federation as a result of the country’s accession to the WTO are also provided. Macroeconomic implications of Russia’s accession to the WTO are positive by all means. At the same time, for several branches of industry, in particular metallurgy, these effects can be ambiguous. There needs permanent monitoring of the economic situation, which will allow to develop and to realize adequate measures for development of domestic metallurgy appropriating to new market conditions.

keywords Metallurgy, WTO, ferrous metallurgy, nonferrous metallurgy, average rate, goodwill

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