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ArticleName Technologies of complex processing of refractory pyritic ores and pyrite technogenic products with extraction of non-ferrous and rare metals
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.09.01
ArticleAuthor Bocharov V. A., Ignatkina V. A., Chanturiya E. L., Yushina T. I.

Chair “Benefication and processing of minerals and technogenic raw materials”, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia:

V. A. Bocharov, Professor
V. A. Ignatkina, Professor, e-mail:
E. L. Chanturiya, Professor
T. I. Yushina, Head of a Chair


Post-graduate student A. A. Kayumov was the participant in this research.


Most Russian refractory massive pyrite copper-zinc ores are complex. We defined the basic key ways of realization of technological solutions, increasing the complexity and rational natural use of the main types of mineral raw materials with extraction of most valuable mineral components. On the stages of ore benefication, the developed technologies allow the obtaining of rich selective concentrates and polymetallic products for the following pyrohydrometallurgical processing according to the individual technological schemes. By-product rare metals and rare-earth elements in the considered ores have no independent mineral formations. They are placed in the basic ore minerals and rocks in the scattered state or in the form of isomorphic impurities, basically in iron sulfides and considerably in the lower quantity in copper, zinc sulfides and rock minerals. According to this, extraction of rare metals and rare-earth elements (as well as noble metals) depends on extraction of carrying minerals of these elements, which flotation properties are regulated by technological parameters of flotation process, favorable for selective extraction of the main valuable minerals. The ratio of carrying minerals of rare metals (pyrite, copper sulfides, sphalerite and others, extracted in one or another flotation product) defines the concentration and extraction of rare and rare-metal elements in the basic mineral raw material concentrates.
This work was carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation forBasic Research (project No. 14-05-00232).

keywords Technogenic tails, minerals, flotation agents, opening, distribution, concentration, grains, junctions, isomorphic impurities

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