Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2018 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Environmental conditions in the region of coal mines in East Donbass
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2018.01.17
Автор Gavrishin A. I.
Информация об авторе

Platov South Russian State Polytechnical University, Novocherkassk, Russia:

A. I. Gavrishin, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, agavrishin@rambler.ru


East Donbass territory suff ers from the severe environmental pressure. The negative impact sources are the production units of coal mining, processing, machine building, metallurgical, chemical, agricultural and power generating industries, as well as the municipal housing economy objects. The most of the ecological loads are conditioned by a mineral mining factor (coal mining and preparation) as a consequence of closure of coal mines in the Rostov Region and in the adjacent area of Ukraine. The main sources of the environmental impact are the mines in operation, recently closed or under closing (more than 50 mines); long-closed and abandoned mines (not less than 200); overburden dumps (round 500 units); retention ponds, processing plants, thermal power plants, power and heating plants etc. The chemical composition of mine waters in East Donbass has been determined for the period of 100 years based on the data of more than 1500 analyses, and more than 100 defi nitions are used for underground water. The information is analyzed using the mathematical statistics and the original G-method of classifi cation of multi-dimensional observations. In the region discussed, four main trends of change in the mine water composition are revealed. The highest changes were observed in the 1940s–1950s and after large-scale closure of mines in the current century. Ejection of dissolved solids to the ground surface with mine water reached 426 Mt/yr. A wide range of negative events were observed in the environment of East Donbass: extensive pollution of ground and surface water and air, high mineralization of mine water; increased defi cit of potable and process water; silting of water courses and water bodies; zoo- and phytoplankton kill; underflooding of residential areas; ground surface subsidence; deformation and damage to buildings, structures and utility lines and many other. All that required migration of population to safe territories.

Ключевые слова East Donbass, coal mining and processing industry, environment, pollution, mine water, chemical composition, mineral mining factor
Библиографический список

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