Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2019 →  №1 →  Назад

Power Engineering and Ecology
Название Issues of implementing the best available technologies in the steel industry of the Russian Federation
Автор I. V. Butorina, M. V. Butorina
Информация об авторе

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

I. V. Butorina, Dr. Eng., Prof.


Baltic State Technical University (St. Petersburg, Russia):
M. V. Butorina, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail: butorina_irina@mail.ru


The analysis of the prospects for the transition to new methods of environmental protection by introducing the Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the enterprises of ferrous metallurgy of the Russian Federation has been given and the materials presented in the regulatory document “BAT Reference Document. Production of Iron, Steel and Ferroalloys” developed by the BAT Bureau have been evaluated. It is shown that the reference book requires revision, since in addition to existing ones it contains a description of outdated technologies that do not provide the minimum burden on the environment. In addition, the BAT Reference Document does not contain the values of technological standards for each stage of metallurgical processing, which makes it difficult to choose the best technology. A comparative table of technological standards for the metallurgical industry of the EU, the Russian Federation and Ukraine has been compiled. It is shown that the metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation is lagging in technological standards behind the average European indicators in spite of the progress made in recent years with regard to the modernization of production. The situation can be changed due to the use of high-quality raw materials, introduction of the out-of-furnace treatment of iron and steel, maximum use of secondary energy resources, replacement of wet
gas cleaning systems with highly effi cient dry ones and the treatment of dispersed iron-containing wastes in briquetted state in steel-smelting units. These technologies are the best and available, but require significant capital investments.

Ключевые слова Best available techniques, iron, steel, technological standards, energy intensity, water-intensive production, specific emissions, discharges and waste, ladle refinement, gas cleaning
Библиографический список

1. Federal law dated 21.07.2014 No. 219-ФЗ (edit. 28.12.2017) «On introduction of changes in the Federal law “On environment protection” and separate legislation acts of Russian Federation». Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_165823/ (accessed: 08.01.2019).
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11. Brunner Ch., Schwelberger J., Fleischanderl А., Ropke А. Practice of recycling operations in iron direct reduction units. Chernye Metally. 2017. No. 8. pp. 59–63.
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13. Leushin I. O., Subbotin A. Yu., Geyko M. A. Recycling of galvanized steel scrap for use in cast iron melting in induction melting facilities. CIS Iron and Steel Review. 2015. Vol. 10. pp. 19–22.

Language of full-text русский
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