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ArticleName Influence of the bowl shape on Itomak centrifugal concentrator performance
DOI 10.17580/or.2019.01.07
ArticleAuthor Vasilyev A. M., Kuskov V. B.

Saint Petersburg Mining University (St. Petersburg, Russia):
Vasilyev A. M., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Kuskov V. B., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


This article outlines the results of a study of the influence of the key factors on the efficiency of material separation in Itomak KG-0.1 centrifugal concentrators. Two different separation bowls were used to study the effects of variations in loosening water consumption and in the content of the heavy component in the feed. The respective separation efficiency was evaluated using the Hancock—Luiken criterion. The initial material was represented by an artificial mixture consisting of quartz sand and narrow grades of granular ferrosilicon. The studies use the second-order rotatable design method. This method is well-established for studying the processes of separation and optimization of concentrating equipment performing physical separation of ores, in particular, gravity concentration equipment. Based on the experimental data obtained, patterns of the influence of the key factors on the particle separation efficiency in a centrifugal field were established. These studies enabled evaluating the effects of the key factors to ensure improved separation of fine-grained ores and materials in laboratory investigations and in industrial environments. This paper provides recommendations on the use of various separation bowls for Itomak KG-0.1 centrifugal concentrators in the processing of fine-grained materials.

keywords Gravity concentration, centrifugal concentrator, Itomak, bowl shape, loosening water, second-order rotatable design

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Language of full-text russian
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