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ArticleName Obtaining a luminescent inorganic dye from phosphogypsum
DOI 10.17580/or.2019.05.07
ArticleAuthor Shabelskaya N. P., Medvedev R. P.

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk, Russia):

Shabelskaya N. P., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Medvedev R. P., Applicant


In this work, inorganic fluorescent dye fillers are obtained from the waste generated when producing phosphoric acid from apatite. The search for a method for processing waste products of phosphoric acid production into high-demand products is a very urgent task. Currently, the main area of phosphogypsum recycling is the manufacture of such building materials as wall panels, dry mixes, etc. It is also used for land reclamation. However, such use of phosphogypsum, which is the most valuable raw material for the production of a number of important inorganic substances, is impractical from the economic point of view. In this regard, a study aimed at developing methods for producing popular products, in particular inorganic luminescent dyes, from large-tonnage industrial wastes is of particular relevance. The possibility of synthesizing an inorganic fluorescent dye from phosphogypsum using coal, sucrose, and citric acid as reducing agents is first discussed in this work. The samples obtained are studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). It is established that the main component of phosphogypsum (calcium sulfate) may be converted into a luminescent material (calcium sulfide) under the influence of various reducing agents, in particular coal, citric acid, and sucrose. It is discovered that the materials obtained glow with an orange light under ultraviolet radiation. When using citric acid and sucrose as reducing agents, the glow is uniformly distributed over the surface of the sample.

keywords Calcium sulfate, calcium sulfide, phosphogypsum, inorganic dye, filler of polymeric materials, phosphoric acid production waste, fluorescent dye

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