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ArticleName Aspects of iridium extraction from chloride solution
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2021.01.02
ArticleAuthor Petrov G. V., Fokina S. B., Nikitina T. Yu.

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

G. V. Petrov, Professor, e-mail:
S. B. Fokina, Associate Professor, e-mail:
T. Yu. Nikitina, Post-Graduate Student, e-mail:


Hydrometallurgical processes for nickel converter matte refining are characterized by the distribution of platinum group metals between the liquid and solid phases. Chlorine refining technology for converter matte consists of oxidation leaching in chloride media and subsequent extraction of nickel from hydrochloric acid solutions. However, during the leaching stage, along with nickel, the transition of platinum group metals in the form of chloride complexes into the solution is possible. The kinetic inertness of iridium complexes makes it difficult to extract iridium from multicomponent solutions. This work includes study of iridium extraction from chloride solutions by reduction methods. The regularities of iridium extraction by cementation method using different metals as cementing agents were revealed, the effect of sulfur-containing precipitators addition is shown.

keywords Iridium, chloride solutions, iridium chloride complexes, reduction processes

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