Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2023 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Clarification of tailings storage facility water by acoustic impact methods
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.02.05
Автор Bakharev S. A.
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Sole Proprietorship (Moscow, Russia):
Bakharev S. A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, taf@list.ru


Water treatment systems are among the most important components in the mining industry, since efficiency and environmental friendliness of mining enterprises directly depend on water quality. During the freeze-up period, when the most clarified upper water layer freezes, the production process may be suspended due to insufficient quality of the circulating water. One-hour downtime of a processing plant with a capacity of over one million tons of ore per year at a diamond or gold mining enterprise generates financial losses of over 2 million rubles. A complex acoustic method is proposed, aimed to improve the quality and efficiency of clarification of large volumes of circulating water during the freeze-up period. It allows, including due to the use of reflective properties of the lower ice edge, to coagulate finely dispersed suspended particles, forcibly (in addition to gravity) settle the initial and previously acoustically coagulated suspended particles, and thicken the finely dispersed sediment while clarifying large volumes of water in the TSF. The fundamental differences of this method consist in the use of the same set of acoustic equipment (with different removable digital storage media) for the simultaneous solution of an entire range of applied problems, its high performance due to the long (hundreds of meters) range of acoustic impact on particles, and low (no more than 10 W/m3) energy consumption. The paper presents the results of the application of the comprehensive acoustic method at TSFs in the Arkhangelsk region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Ключевые слова Tailings storage facility, circulating water, bottom sediments, sludge particles, industrial safety, environmental safety, acoustics and nonlinear hydroacoustics
Библиографический список

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12. Pat. 2775182 Russian Federation.

Language of full-text русский
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